The Cathedral: East Wing (AD&D)
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Well met traveler. I am the Dark Bishop, Lord of the realm you have just entered. My castle encompasses yonder hill, and within lies the greatest of libraries. Alas, my library cannot grow without the help of wanderers such as yourself. If you have news of the world beyond my fair gates, I would ask that you donate your knowledge to the annals. In this way I may spread our sagely advice, for all are welcome in my humble abode. Again, I bid you welcome, and wish you a most prosperous stay.

There are many facets that the AD&D worlds cover. Each volume of lore will be kept with others of a like kind. I try to keep the my papers in order, but occasionally a book will be misplaced. If you find that one of my tomes is missing, please notify me of my error. Thank you again.

The Tomes
Traps Riddles Plots Other Net Books
Spells and Magic Dragonlance Forgotten Realms Utilities




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Spells and Magic


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AD&D Ring : The Fantasy Website Ring

This AD&D Ring site is owned by Dark Bishop.

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The Cathedral, 1997