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Diogenes' Lantern Lament: I Ain't Through Searchin' Yet

Welcome, all ye wayward travellers, to the best home page on the internet! In addition to its riveting midi files, fascinating links, stunning color scheme, and classic HTML format (note the use of gerundive adjectives), my home page now contains a genuine animated graphic!!! (sometimes i can sit quietly for hours, just watching that little globe spin...) I'm sure you're all eager to begin perusing my links, waves, etc., etc., but first, please join me in a moment of silence for my vocational mentor and personal role-model, the late, great Diogenes: Without his lewd jokes and public self-gratification, the Athenian agora would have been a pretty dull place.

Over three of my immediate relatives agree:
"This is the best new site on the web!"

Tribute to French cinema

Listen to Midis

I found it on some
Smashing Pumpkins page somewhere...
(you might have to shift-click)

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The best sites around:

Henry Fitzgerald - A page like mine, only much better
WhoWhere? - You can locate anyone in the US (contains no known listing of a virtuous man)
New College - My home and place of study as of 8/18/98
Bjorn's Guide to Philosophy - Great philosophy documents and links
Adelaide - Lots of philosophy info and links
Howard Zinn - 'A People's History of the US' should be required reading
Immanuel Kant - For anyone interested in metaphysics
Radiohead - Strange...
Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead - Small homepage with some SP and radiohead stuff
Philosophy jokes - Unless you have a PhD, you probably won't get any of them
World population - Watch it grow.
Yeeeoww!!! - The 'Harvard Lampoon' online