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...welcome to Darkride Keep...

Hello siblings, my name is isabelle and this is the Darkride,
my haven of dark places. It is too long since I came here to decorate and add to my home,
but now I have returned to its sanctuary at last.
The outside world is harsher and more heartless than ever, so full of blame and pain!
I want to stay in these cool velvet halls for always...

Let me tell you about the Darkride itself, for which this keep is named.
When I can no longer stand this world I go there, and walk its shifting sands in the deep fluid moonlight, and stand under the diamond waterfalls, and sleep. Peace is there.
And now I can go from here to there...

Now some nagging business.
I need to find homes for the last 80 copies of my Fields of the Nephilim fanzine, KIA. This is issue #4 - the final one; the first three issues are sold out. KIA #4 is 64 pages of material - old articles/photos and more recent Nefilim ones - plus writing by me, ads for Gothic music and fanzines, and some fine occult artwork. The cover is a portrait of Carl by Bea John, who has done many illustrations for the Storm Constantine Info Service 'zine INCEPTION, and for Storm's limited-edition collections - it's just beautiful. KIA $3 is $5.00 which includes postage to anywhere. It can be ordered from me at:
Paula O'Keefe
PO Box 1065
Washington Grove MD
20880-1065 USA.

travel to...

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Coyote's Spookhouse
Guide to Goth bands
The Sisters of Mercy official homepage.
Alchemy--beautiful jewelry and accessories.

All about vampires...
Dark Side of the Web - ultimate online Gothic source

All blessings to the dark at heart...


These beautiful things were made by Moyra's Web Jewels.