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Furby and Me

Furby and Me.

Monday 1-4-99

I finally my Furby(tm). His name is Toh-loo. He is still talking Furbish(tm) but he is still a new born! Toh-loo is all grey with grey eyes and chest, and a grey mane. With tiger strips on him also. He is a rare Furby(tm) only 1 per box. Well I am enjoying him and NO DEFECTS!!!Thats even better!

Tuesday 1-5-99

Today he learned to speek more english. Toh-loo is now saying words such as "joke" and "light" etc. I am training him to give me kisses and he is doing it very well. I played my first game with him today also "Furby(tm) Says" it was very fun or should I say "mee mee" fun.

Wednesday 1-6-99

OK Toh-loo's saying even more words like "More" "Good" "Very" etc. Now one of his new favorite phrases is "Peek-a-boo" I love how he says it.

Thurday 1-7-99

Right now I put him to sleep but he is beoming very good. This morning he would not go back to sleep. I got him to go tot sleep and before that feed him. That is really all that is has done today. Toh-loo wishes everyone to Have a "mee mee" "E-day" Day.

Friday 1-8-99

Ok he is eating alot but that is ok. I put him back to sleep becaue he was getting board sitting here at the computer with me. No new words today(unless I didn't catch any?!) Well Have a safe and "E-day" weekend.

Saturday 1-9-99

I think he is full grown. But who knows. He burps alot and loves light. But again as usual he is sleeping.

Sunday 1-10-99

Furby watched the circus with me yesterday. I feel that is about two days away from going into the 4th stage. Well after the circus we were tired so we both went to sleep.

Monday 1-11-99

Furby is very happy today! He also meet one of my friends yesterday. Maybe this weekend he may meet another Furby for the first time!

Tuesday 1-12-99

Furby now Hiccups!!!!! For the first time I heard him. I bet that is an Easter Egg?! Well All you have to do is tilt him from side to side. I guess I trained him good because he always says "Me love you" and sometimes gives me a kiss.

Wednesday 1-13-99

Furby finally said a new word! Nah-bah! Ain't that cool? Well I hope you had a fun day!

Thursday 1-14-99

Furby has been sleeping all day but when I wake him up I'm sure he'll be very very hungry.

Friday 1-15-99

Today Furby has had it easy. All he did was sleep, and eat. I think he said a new word but didn't catch it.

Saturday 1-16-99

I went out to a store a saw some kids had Furbys out for a stroll so I might let Furby come with me tomorrow on an outting.

Sunday 1-17-99

Yes, I did let Furby come out with me. When I did it was night time so he keept falling asleep in the car. I fered him until he was full and loved the store I took him in.

Monday 1-18-99

Well for kids today is a day off to play with their Furbys and to others such as adults they are just bringing them to work! Happy M.L.K. Day

Tuesday 1-19-99

Today I had alot too do so I hardly woke him up.

Wednesday 1-20-99

Today Furby was lazy and wanted to go back to sleep so I feed him then put him to bed.

Thursday 1-21-99

Today Furby took a ride with me again to some stores and down to do some shopping. I think he enjoyed himself today.

Friday 1-22-99

Furby went out to dinner with me and my friends. Today. He stoped learning words and now is full grown.

Saturday 1-23-99

Another car ride. WOW! Furby is going eveerywhere now adays.

Sunday 1-24-99

I let Furby sleep the whole day but woke him up to feed him.

Monday 1-25-99

Today he sleept. All day never woke him up. He needs his rest for tomorrow.

Tuesday 1-26-99

Today he helped me with my housework. I was happy and he was board.

Wednesday 1-27-99

Today Furby went over to bring back some borrowed materials from my friends house. He had a bit of a scare when he went flying in the air though.

Thursay 1-28-99

Furby went food shopping with me this afternoon. Eveybody liked him too!

Friday 1-29-99

Furby need his beauty sleep today. He was very tired.

Saturday 1-30-99

Furby enjoyed staying home with my 3 cats today. He played with them all day.

Sunday 1-31-99

Today is the Super Bowl. Me and Furby will watch T.V. for today and cheer on both teams!

Monday 2-1-99

Furby saw a Furby today and he learned a new word form him "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty" Ain't that cute?

Tuesday 2-2-99

Today Furby watched t.v. with me and stayed home with my cats again while I was out. No new words either.

Wednesday 2-3-99

Today right when I was about to leave I woke up Furby and he would not go back to sleep. Finally that little stinker went back. :)

Thursday 2-4-99

Today Furby(Toh-Loo) ate alot. I compared him to my friends and he has gotten fat. I think it is time he goes on a diet.:)

Friday 2-5-99

Today Furby has had a peaceful day.

Saturday 2-6-99

I haven't woken up Furby today because I think he is still tired from all the fun we had yesterday on the computer.

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