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Claus D. Tonn

1970 SE.West Dunbrooke Circle, Port St. Lucie, Fl 34952

Phone: (561)398-8321 Fax: (603)590-5360

Claus Resume


                        Bombardier Aerospace Completion Center Montreal, Canada

5/1999 to Present

Weight Engineer: Responsible for Initiating and Demonstrating a weight Control and Weight Reduction Program For the Global Express.


                            Space System/Loral Palo Alto, CA


Weights Engineer: Responsible Writing the Sequenced Mass Properties Plan.

Process and Procedure: To Calculating Weight and CG of S/C "Spacecraft". This includes all changes for burns for orbit placement and alignment.

Process and Procedure: For balancing Test and weighing Fixture such as formal Instructions for the CG/MOI machine.

Process and Procedure: For Determining the Validity of Volumes calculated by Computer Program Pro-E.

Process and Procedure: For maintaining Uncertainty Calculations.


                        Sino Swearingen Aircraft Co., San Antonio, TX


Chief Weights Engineer: Weight reduction for SJ30-2.

Drawing analysis with UG II and hand calculations.

Data reporting with Microsoft Excel, Index to MIL STD 1374A.

Weight savings to cost analysis.

Rewrote my Star Cruise program for Sino Swearingen Master Weight Data analysis.

Stress and loads For weight optimization Reduction was supported by Nastran Pro , Patran, modeling, and hand calculations.


                              Raytheon/ E-Systems, Greenville, TX


Drawing analysis with UG II and hand calculations.

Data Reporting with Microsoft Excel.

Interior Mass Properties for MD-11 VIP Saudi King.

Interior Mass Properties for MD-11 VIP Saudi Prince.

Interior Mass Properties for E 4B Sentinel

Stress and Loads for weight reduction was supported with Nastran modeling, and Hand calculations.


                            Rotary Power International, Woodridge, NJ


Drawing analysis with Pro E and hand calculations.

Mass Properties Chief Engineer: For 580 5 rotor, 3000 HP

Advanced Amphibious assault Vehicle Rotary Engine.

Developed Mass Properties for joint tactical UAV HFE "Heavy Fuel", Rotary Aircraft Engine.

Wrote Mass Property Control Plan.

Wrote Mass Properties computer program "Star Cruise" tracking system for weights, C.G. and Inertias.

Calculated drawings for weight and C.G.

Headed Weights reduction program.

Stress and loads For weight reduction was supported with Nastran Pro and hand calculations.


                           Curtiss Wright Flight Systems, Fairfield, NJ


F-22 Mass Properties Project Manager.

Drawing Analysis with UG II and hand calculations.

Wrote Mass Properties control plans for Side Weapons Bay Door, Main Weapons Bay Door and Actuators.

Wrote Mass Properties Vendor interface product acceptance Procedures.

Designed various Mass Properties reporting sheets.

Wrote weight reduction program plan.

Stress and loads for weight optimization was supported by Nastran modeling .


                              Tonn Chemical Company, Fort Pierce, Fl


New product development chemical specialties.

Design and Manufacture of Ozone ground water purification equipment.

Design and Manufacture of commercial and residential Ozone municipal and well water purification systems.

Design and Manufacture of Ozone pool and spa purification systems.

Design and Manufacture of Desalination equipment.

Design and Manufacture Ozone waste treatment equipment.


                     Boeing Aerospace & Electronics, Huntsville, AL



Drawing Analysis with INTERGRAPH and hand calculations.

Responsible for writing the Mass Properties Verification Plans for vendor interface.

Prepared Mass Properties Control Plan with total interface to NASA and Marshall Space Flight Center.

Rewrote MIL-W-25140B, and MIL STD 1374A to meet NASA and Marshall Space Flight Center requirements for Space Station applications.

Calculated drawings for Weight, C.G. and total Inertia's, NASA and Marshall Space Flight Center requires all calculations to be within .01 in/oz.

This includes preliminary trade studies.

Verify actual Weight and C.G.

Stress and Loads for weight Reduction was supported

by Nastran , patran, and hand Calculations.


                              Wheeled Coach Corporation, Orlando, FL


Weight Optimization- Task was to reduce the curb weight of  their ambulances by 500 pounds, This was accomplished by my resizing and redesigning skin panels, roof, side, floor structure, and cabinets.

Total accepted weight reduction was 725 pounds.

Stress and Loads supported by Hand calculations.


                        Southwest Mobile System, St. Louis, MO


Chief Weights Engineer - 25K Loader Calculate drawing: Weight, Center of gravity, and inertias.

Lead Weights Engineer - Weight Optimization Program, recalculated targeted parts and resize for weight reduction.

Special Projects - Pre-design Weight analysis 60K Loader.

Weight Engineer - Hemat, calculated total variances and wetted area.

Presented Weight data Facts to U.S. Government contracting Offices.

Stress and Loads For weight reductions supported with hand calculations.


                      Martin Marietta Aerospace, Orlando, FL


Weights Engineer - Structure and Electronics.

Drawing analysis with APPLECON, CATIA and hand calculations.

Prime Project, LANTIRN Targeting Pod, Weight Analysis of

structure and electronics printed wiring boards and C.G. to .01 in/oz requirement.

Special project, Weight Control LANTERN Navigation Pod.

Stress And loads for Weight optimization Modeled with Nastran

and hand calculations.


                               Boeing Vertol Co., Philadelphia, PA


Drawing Analysis with CATIA and hand calculation.

Weights Engineer - Structures

Prime Project, V-22 Tilt Rotor all Composite Aircraft, Special project.

360 composite version - CH 47D.

Weight optimization. Staff Engineer assignment which consists

of evaluating weight reduction idea and feasibility.

Preparation of Weight analysis data for preliminary design

reviews By Naval Air Command.

Stress calculations for weight reductions supported with hand calculations.


                    Applied Technology Corp., Carson City, NV.


Project - Weight Engineer. Mass Properties for solar panels and associated robotics.

Stress Engineering for underwater piping systems.

Structural analysis of composite material ships and boats.

Special project Weight and Stress Engineering for a manned mining drill.

Stress and loads for weight reduction supported by hand calculation


                           Lear Fan Corporation, Reno, NV

11/80 - 4/82

Weights Engineer, My responsibilities included the following, Calculation of Weight from blue lines, Calculation of Aircraft Mass Properties, moments of inertia, radius of gyration of total control surfaces and aircraft; MAC calculation.

Stress Engineer. Project - Resize composite frames, bulkheads and ribs for weight savings possibilities.

Recalculated all pipes, tubes for wall thickness.

Reduction possibilities, including thermal stress.

Weight trade studies - determination of weight saving of composite material vs. standard material. 

Trade study time/cost factor analysis of structural surface board area to determine time for manual or automatic ultrasonic structure; special weight savings studies and recommendations thereto.

Stress Calculations for weight reduction supported with Nastran, and hand calculations.


                   Kendall Medical International. Santa Monica, CA


Research Chemist - I was responsible for cloning of grasses and other products for production of vitamin B17 and GH3.


                               Tonn Chemical Company., Auburn, CA

1974/ Ongoing

Self employed. Production of DI Basic Ester lubricants for aerospace industry and other fine instruments.


                                  Physic International, San Leandro, CA


Consultant, I determined byproducts of ultra high energy release in gases.


                                   T.R.W. Redondo Beach, CA


Consultant, I worked on the HUD project operation breakthrough material development. Honeycomb Construction.


                                                  Self Employed


Concrete and cement development for housing industry. The project was to replace wooden beams with concrete and porous cement which is poured into frames for single plates, being cut and hammered in place by on-sight construction workers.


                          Aerojet General Corporation, Sacramento, CA


Corrosion research; cure for missile ejection compartments ( Submarine ).

Filament winding, casings for propulsion system.

DI-Core; Project Ground to Ground missile System.


                                 Mather Air Force Base, Sacramento, CA


I was under contract. The project was to develop lubricants for ultra high speed weapons and nuclear therapy equipment.



Personal Data

Stanford University 1967-1969 B.S. ( Bio-Chemistry )

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969-1973 Masters ( Mathematics )

Military : Occupation Deferment

Health: Excellent

