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Freeza Saga

These Episodes Are From The Freeza Saga.

27: A New Goal... Namek

This episode starts out when Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Yajarobi get on Bulma's air-boat. (I think they cut out a part right there). Anyway, everybody starts to think of their friends in the next dimension, and thanks Gohan for saving their lives. Then they talk about how Vegita and Nappa knew about the dragon balls and about Piccolo's origin. When Kami and Piccolo died, the drgonn balls also disappeared. Goku talks to King Kai telepathically. And everybody hears King Kai as well. King Kai says that there are also dragon balls on Namek tells them where Namek is. Now the only problem is how to get there. Krillin gave Bulma the remote that controlled Nappa's Saiyan space pod. Everybody went to the hospital where Goku, Gohan, & Krillin were healing. Bulma took the remote and pressed a few buttons and accidentally blew up the space pod. All hope was lost when Mr. Popo came to their aid by brining Bulma to a space-ship that Kame was brought from when he was a child. They opened the space-ship by saying "Piccolo." And using some of the Namek language Mr. Popo learned from Kame they launched into outer space.

28: Journey to Namek

Launched into space, Bulma and Mr. Popo arrive at Jupiter. Back on earth, the special forces team talk about launching to Namek. Bulma asks Krillin to go with her to Namek. Everybody is surprised when Gohan says he wants to go to Namek as well. Mr. Popo teaches Bulma Namek language and Bulma and Krillin wait for Gohan. Gohan, who has been "prettied up" by his mother, gets to the launch area, and the trio launch into space. On the space-ship Bulma goes to sleep and Gohan changes into a new outfit. He looks like Piccolo except without the turban and the cape. Gohan and Krillin train telepathically and then the show cuts off to Vegita, in his pod, saying "My wounds will soon be healed, with the blood of revenge." Meanwhile, the trio are about to crash into a mirror reflection of their ship! The reflection was an illusion, however, and the little ship with are three friends are pulled into a very large ship. The trio leave their tiny ship to explore, but are suckered into a trap! They are surrounded by a bunch of guys aiming guns at them.

29: Friends or Foes?

Gohan and Krillin beg for mercy until the strange people begin to fire at them. Suddenly, meteors start to fly all around the huge ship. The ship suffers damages, and some of the strange people are about to get crushed by a big panel, but and Gohan and Krillin come to the rescue. Bulma goes to the control deck and steers the ship out of the meteor shower, and Gohan and Krillin help put out a fire. The strange people then figure out that Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma are friendly, and mean them no harm. The strangers talk of their old home planet and how it was destroyed by a new evil character in the DBZ world; Freeza. The the trio leave the huge ship happily. Meanwhile, the bruised Vegita lands on a planet to get some treatment with some of his comrades. The trio finally land on Namek. After a freak fall they awake and meet two Namek's: Saskro and Grati. They go off to find the dragonballs. They find one in a river, and find one in an ancient temple.

30. Hunt for a Dragonball

The trio, with their new friend Saskro, go off to find more dragonballs. The next three dragonballs are not so easy to find. A dinosaur takes one of the dragon balls and walks off. The four friends follow the dino that had the dragon ball. The dino was nothing but bones; he was burned by an acid lake. Gohan volunteers to wear a special suit to retrieve the Dragonball. A safety rope was attached and Gohan dives in. The acid eats through the rope Gohan's suit begins to burn. Once Gohan gets the dragonball he fired a "Ka Me Ha Me Ha!" and is launched towards the surface . The next dragonball is found inside a TWISTER! Gohan jumps inside the tornado, retrieves the dragonball and fires a Ka Me Ha Me Ha toward the center which destroyed the tornado. Back on earth, Goku escapes from the hospital. Back on Namek, the next dragonball is part of an earring of a evil giant. The group gets the dragonball and escapes from the giant by flying away on a model plane. On the mysterious planet, Vegita is rejuvenated, and on Earth Goku is training again.

31. Who's Who?

The trio are in an ice cave retrieving one of the last two dragonballs. But where's Saskro? Once they get the dragonball there is an earthquake and a two shadows laugh. On the mysterious planet, Vegita talks to his doctor, about how he was defeated on Earth. Back on Earth, Goku trains in an unknown area, gets hurt again, and lays on the ground smelling the flowers. On Namek, the trio try to get away from a spiked snow ball. They escape and walk toward the area that the dinosaur was killed. What happened to it? Gohan is grabbed by an invisible force. Saskro and Grati appear, show their real form, and tell the trio they weren't on Namek. Saskro and Grati, now in theri true form, tell the trio that they had been stranded on this strange planet long ago, and that all the adventures and Dragon Balls were illusions. Sasko and Grati are telepathic, and created the illusion so they could steal the trio's ship and fly away. On earth, Chichi and Master Roishi find Goku and bring him back to the hospital. On the unknown planet, Vegita learns that Freeza is on Namek and he goes to get the dragon balls before Freeza does. What was supposedly planet Namek the trio learns of Saskro and Grati. If you remember two episodes back the land was all green when they landed, where is it.

32: Touchdown on Namek

Gohan and Krillin are grabbed by huge squids while Bulma learns how the strange creatures knew about their mission. Saskro and Grati try to open the Namik ship, but don't know the password. Gohan and Krillin get pulled down into the lake and launch fireballs to get rid of the squids. They go to help Bulma protect their ship from Saskro and Grati. The trio launch into the sky, leaving the evil Saskro and Grati behind. On Earth, when Chichi isn't looking, Goku tries to escape again, but the doctor and nurse catch him. The finally reach the real Namik, and land. When they do, Krillin and Bulma celebrate, but Gohan senses a strong force. Then, Vegita's pod (with him in it) comes flying in, and another space pod comes. Bulma contacts Earth to get help from Goku. Freeza, on Namek as well, finds one of the dragon balls. The dragon ball was huge. The special forces team has their work cut out for them...

33: Face Off on Namek

On the planet Namek, Krillin and Gohan must battle two of Freeza's henchmen while Vegeta must dispose of an old nemisis, Cui. But these skirmishes are not being overlooked! They're being witnessed by the watchful scouters of Freeza and his ferocious followers, who are already gathering a nice collection of Dragon Balls for themselves!

34: The Ruthless Freeza

An ailing Goku is mended with the help of some magical Senzu beans. Being informed of the poor state of affairs on Namek, Goku takes off to find Bulma's dad, who is currently rebuilding Goku's old spaceship. Now Goku must try to rejoin with the gang before it's too late!

35: The Nameks Versus Freeza

Goku begins training in the space pod designed by Bulma's dad, under increased gravity! While on the planet Namek, a group of Namekian warriors are under attack from Freeza's evil henchmen. But with the vicious Dodoria on Freeza's side, the Namekian forces are in for a tough time!

36: Escape from Dodoria

As the group of Namek warriors fall under Dodoria's assault, Krillin and Gohan must intervene to rescue a young Namek named Dende. But by entering into the fray have they sealed their own doom?

37: Secrets Revealed

A returning Dodoria is interrupted by the arrival of an old acquaintance... Vegeta! As Vegeta demonstrates his newly acquired skills, a frightened Dodoria bargains for his freedom by telling Vegeta the truth about the destruction of his home planet. But bargaining with Vegeta can be a problem. Will Vegeta keep his word?

38: A Collision Course

As Goku approaches planet Namek, problems ensue. It seems a tear in the space pod is causing him to plummet into a star! And as Goku attempts repair on the spacecraft, things only get worse. While on Namek, Vegeta encounters a small village and tries to force the Namekian villagers to give over their Dragon Balls, Will he succeed?

39: Stay Away from Freeza

Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin are informed by Dende that they need to seek the help of the eldest Namek, Guru. Guru will be able to aid them in their quest for the Dragon Balls. While in space, Goku is inforned by King Kai that Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tien, and Piccolo have arrived to King Kai's planet and are training under his tutelage. But will their combined skills be any match for Freeza? And will they get a chance to find out?

40: Zarbon Transformed

Training on King Kai's planet continues, as Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tien, and Piccolo advance their fighting talents. While on Namek surprises are in store, as Freeza's sidekick Zarbon is surprised by Vegeta. Just as it appears Vegeta has bested the saucy warrior, Zarbon transforms into a hideous beast! Is this lights out for Vegeta, or will he win the diabolical duel?

41: The Eldest Namek

Krillin and Dende reach Guru, the eldest Namek, and learn the mystery of how the Earth Dragon Balls were created, as well as Piccolo's strange origin. Realizing Krillin's good intention, Guru proceeds to reward him with a Dragon Ball, as well as awaken sleeping powers lying dormant within Krillin. But will these new found powers be enough?

42: Get Vegeta!

An injured Vegeta is located but since he alone knows the location of a hidden Dragon Ball, he must be rejuvinated. And a frustrated Freeza summons forth an unparallelled elite fighting arsenal to find the Dragon Balls... the Ginyu Force! Elsewhere, Bulma's Dragon Radar locates Vegeta's hidden Dragon Ball and Gohan takes off to recover it. And on King Kai's planet, Yamcha, Tien, and Chaotzu complete training with Bubbles and Gregory, and join Piccolo for their next level of training... the art of grappling!

43: Vegeta Revived

Gohan recovers Vegeta's hidden Dragon Ball and begins his return. While chaos strikes Freeza's camp, as Vegeta breaks free and escapes with all of Freeza's Dragon Balls! An enraged Freeza sends Zarbon to recover them giving a one hour ultimatum! Having safely stashed the Dragon Balls, Vegeta sees Krillin returning with yet another Dragon Ball, and follows in pursuit. What will happen as Krillin and Vegeta, being spotted and joined by Zarbon, speed toward the base camp? Will they run into Gohan? And will Krillin and Gohan keep their Dragon Ball booty?

44: A Heavy Burden

A magnetic space storm strikes Goku's space pod, causing the Gravitron to malfunction. Now Goku is trapped in a space pod of 100-times normal gravity! And on Namek, Krillin is met by Vegeta, who wants to force Krillin to give over his only Dragon Ball. But wait... Zarbon also arrives, and also plans to regain the Dragon Balls for Freeza. As the battle between Zarbon and Vegeta rages, who will gain Krillin's Dragon Ball?

45: Immortality Denied

A stronger Vegeta overpowers Zarbon, gaining Krillin's Dragon Ball. Thinking he now has all seven of the Dragon Balls, an anxious Vegeta takes off to summon the Eternal Dragon. On his trip, however, he runs into Gohan returning wito one of the Dragon Dalls hidden by Vegeta. Will Vegeta detect his stolen Dragon Ball?

46: Big Trouble for Bulma

Krillin and Gohan take off to see Guru, with hopes that the eldest Namek can awaken hidden powers within Gohan, while Bulma whatches over the Dragon Ball recovered by Gohan. But angry blasts from Freeza shake the planet, causing the Dragon Ball to slip into a deep lake, sinking to the bottom! Now to recapture the Dragon Ball, Bulma must face a sea monster as well as an angry giant crab in the treacherous, watery depths!

47: Scramble for the Dragon Balls!

Bulma is captured by two of Freeza's henchmen, who plan to take her and her Dragon Ball back to Freeza. But Bulma convinces them that they should collect the Dragon Balls for themselves! The henchmen force Bulma to lead them to the location of the remaining Dragon Balls. Now Bulma unaware of where the remaining Dragon Balls are located, must devise a plan to escape! Elsewhere, Gohan and Krillin are spotted by Vegeta on their journey to Guru. Will Vegeta prevent their arrival?

48: Arrival of the Ginyu Force

Goku completes training under 100-times normal gravity in preparation for his landing on the planet Namek. While on Namek, Krillin and Gohan detect Vegeta following them, so Krillin stays behind to delay Vegeta long enough for Guru to awaken Gohan's sleeping powers. But as the Ginyu Force arrives, the collective forces of Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan will not be enough to stop Freeza from gaining all of the Dragon Balls. That is, unless they team up to grant Vegeta immortal life! Will Krillin and Gohan go along with this incredible proposal?

49: Elite Fighters of the Universe...The Ginyu Force

As all seven of the Dragon Balls are collected, Krillin decides not to allow Vegeta to summon the Eternal Dragon. And almost immediately, the Ginyu Force has arrived! Using their unique skills the Ginyu capture all seven of the Dragon Balls before they can be discarded or destroyed. Now Captain Ginyu returns to Freeza with all of the Dragon Balls, leaving the remaining four Ginyu to finish off Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan!

50: Time Tricks and Body Binds

Krillin and Gohan battle Guldo of the Ginyu Force, discovering he has the ability to freeze time for brief periods! Undaunted, the warriors from Earth fight on, eventually wearing down Guldo. But just as it appears Guldo is no match, he launches his mind freeze... a move which leaves Gohan and Krillin defenseless! As the Ginyu warrior is finishing off Krillin and Gohan, Vegeta intervenes to save them from disaster and put Guldo out of action! Now Vegeta must face an even stronger opponent... Recoome!!

51: No Refuge from Recoome Vegeta battles the relentless Recoome but finds the titanic tyrant to be too powerful. As Gohan and Krillin intervene to aid the Saiyan warrior, they also fall prey to the powerful Recoome. Can anything, or anyone, stop the mighty mercenary?

52: Enter Goku

Having collected all seven Dragon Balls, Freeza is unable to summon the Eternal Dragon, and is off to find out why. Meanwhile fighting with Recoome continues, with Krillin down and Gohan shouldering the load. But a tough blow halts the young warrior. As it appears all hope is lost a strange space ship appears on the horizon... It's Goku! And he's got Senzu beans to heal the injured warriors!

53: Goku...Super Saiyan?

With his sidekicks Krillin and Gohan healed, Goku patches up Vegeta, sharing Senzu beans with his old nemesis. But it's Goku alone that stands against the awesome Recoome, sending the giant Ginyu crashing in a single blow! Now Goku takes on the forces of Jeice and Burter with apparent ease. Is Vegeta's revelation true? Has Goku become a legendary Super Saiyan?

These Episodes Are The Episodes After #54, But In Japanese Version. I got these (below) episodes from Toriyama Organization

Lightning Balls of Red and Blue! Jheese and Butta Attack Goku

Goku stands over ReaCoom, having defeated him with one punch. Jheese and Butta do not believe Goku was able to beat ReaCoom with his level of ability. The two of them both attack Goku simultaneously, but neither one is able to lay a hand on Goku. Rather, Jheese and Butta get knocked away by the force of one of Goku's Ki-Ai blasts. Goku, when he attacks, is able to raise and lower his Ki so quickly that Scouters are unable to register the change. Jheese and Butta join forces to perform the Purple Comet Crush attack. Jheese launches his Crusher Ball attack. Goku swats both of these attacks away with a single hand.

At Last, a Direct Confrontation! Captain Ginyu Takes the Field

Goku proves himself to be even faster than Butta, who prides himself on being the "fastest in the universe." In order to demonstrate that his power is also much greater than Jheese and Butta's, Goku defeats Butta, again with a single blow. Goku warns Jheese not to make any more vain attempts at battle with him. Jheese takes off toward Ginyu, in order to bring him into the fight. Vegeta quickly finishes off the helpless ReaCoom and Butta. Vegeta warns Goku that he will not be able to defeat Freeza with such a mollycoddling disposition toward his enemies in his heart. Jheese locates Ginyu, and the two of them return to face Goku!

Incredible Force!! Did You See Goku's Full Power?

Kuririn and Gohan take off to re-locate the Dragonballs. Vegeta abandons Goku and leaves the scene as well. Goku and Ginyu begin to fight one another. Jheese attempts to join Ginyu in the battle, but Ginyu orders him to stay out of it, preferring a "fair" fight. After gauging what Goku is capable of, Ginyu challenges him to show his true power. Goku obliges, and slowly raises his Ki higher and higher! Goku's power measures much higher than anything Ginyu was anticipating, and Ginyu begins to sweat.

What of the Battle's Outcome!? Freeza's Evil Hand Closes Around the Grand Elder

Goku's power rating tops 180,000. Ginyu begins to tremble, fearing that Goku may in fact be a Super Saiyan. Kuririn and Gohan arrive back at Bulma's hiding spot, but Bulma has taken the Dragon Radar and a scooter and left the area. Elsewhere, Freeza arrives at the Grand Elder's home! Nail, strongest of the Namekian warriors, guards the Grand Elder (and hence the source of the Dragonballs' power), but Freeza will not listen to reason. Several other Namekian warriors challenge Freeza in battle, but are swiftly defeated.

Surprise!! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku

Nail challenges Freeza to a one-on-one battle in order to buy time for Dende to communicate the incantation for Sheng Long to Gohan and the others. Freeza easily breaks Nail's arm clean off, but Nail is able to grow a new one. However, it costs him some of his battle power. As Bulma motors toward the location where the Dragonballs are gathered, she is chased by a large dinosaur. Just in the nick of time, she is rescued by Gohan and Kuririn. They borrow the Dragon Radar from her and go off to reclaim the Dragonballs. After deliberately injuring himself severly, Ginyu uses his Body Change technique to swap bodies with Goku!

Come Forth Super Sheng Long!! Grant Me My Wish

Goku and Ginyu now have each other's bodies. Ginyu and Jheese begin the return trip to Freeza's ship, where the Dragonballs await them. Because of his injuries and his unfamiliarity with his new body, Goku is unable to pursue them quickly. Kuririn and Gohan locate the Dragonballs buried next to Freeza's ship. They dig them up and attempt to summon Sheng Long, but are unable to call him forth, lacking the proper incantation. Vegeta watches their actions, safely hidden behind one of the landing struts to Freeza's ship. Jheese and Ginyu, using Goku's body, arrive. Kuririn, unaware of the change in bodies, mistakenly thinks Goku was able to get Jheese to switch sides. Ginyu learns from Kuririn that they are still unable to get their wishes granted, and attacks! Gohan realizes that his father isn't who he appears to be. Goku, using Ginyu's body, finally arrives at Freeza's ship.

That Ain't Me! Gohan, Take Heart and Hit Your Father

Ginyu, overjoyed with his newfound body, decides to show off his new power and raises his Ki to the limit! However, according to Jheese's Scouter, Ginyu's power level tops out at 20,000. Just as Goku is unable to fly quickly using his new, unfamiliar body, Ginyu is unable to use the full potential of his new body! Goku, Gohan and Kuririn team up and take on Ginyu. As Jheese springs to Ginyu's defense, Vegeta comes out of hiding and takes him on. Goku and the others hold their own against Ginyu, while Vegeta, stronger than ever after having eaten a Senzu following his battle with ReaCoom, defeats Jheese. Vegeta turns his attention toward Ginyu, who is slowly becoming accustomed to Goku's body, and beats him soundly. Badly hurt, Ginyu attempts to use his Body Change technique again, this time on Vegeta!

Whoops!! Ginyu Has Turned into a Frog

Just as the light from the Ginyu's Body Change technique is about to overtake Vegeta, Goku jumps in between them! Goku and Ginyu return to their original bodies. Vegeta beats up on Ginyu some more, and Ginyu allows him to do so! When he gets an opening, Ginyu tries again to perform the Body Change with Vegeta. A battered Goku picks up a passing frog and manages to toss it between Ginyu and Vegeta at the right instant, causing Ginyu and the frog to swap bodies! Vegeta enjoys seeing Ginyu in his new form, and lets him escape, as Ginyu's body, now under the frog's control, also hops away. Vegeta lets everyone else into Freeza's ship. While he could finish everyone off immediately, he needs as many allies as he can find in the upcoming battle with Freeza. He leads them to the medical bay, where they place Goku in a recovery machine. Vegeta provides Gohan and Kuririn with battle armor from one of the storage bins.

Thou Who Hast Gathered the Seven Balls — Now Speak Forth the Password!

Goku begins his recovery in Freeza's healing machine. Kuririn heads off toward the Grand Elder's house to learn the proper words needed to summon Sheng Long. Gohan practices some katas outside the ship in his new outfit as Vegeta takes a much needed nap. Freeza continues to pound on Nail in an attempt to learn how to get his wish granted, when Nail reveals he is only stalling for time to let Dende deliver the necessary information to the others. Furious, Freeza leaves Nail for dead and rushes back to his ship. Dende meets up with Kuririn, who leads him back to the Dragonballs. As Vegeta sleeps, Kuririn, Gohan and Dende successfully summon Sheng Long! The incantation, as well as each of the three wishes themselves, must be spoken in the Namekian language in order for the wishes to be granted.

Kami-sama Also Returns! Piccolo is Revived via Super Sheng Long

Polunga, the Namekian Sheng Long, towers over Kuririn, Gohan and Dende, offering to grant three wishes. Trying to revive all their friends, they learn that Polunga is unable to return more than one person back to life per wish. As Gohan and Kuririn try to figure out what to do, Piccolo speaks to Gohan through Kaio-sama. Piccolo tells Gohan to wish him back to life; by doing so, Kami-sama will also return, and the Dragonballs on Earth should return to normal. Piccolo tells Gohan to use the second wish to transport himself to the Planet Namek, so that he can defend his homeland against Freeza. The third wish is up to them. After the first two wishes are granted, Vegeta storms out of Freeza's ship. Vegeta says the only way for them to stand a chance against Freeza is if the make Vegeta immortal. With no other choice, Dende begins to make the third wish for Vegeta. However, before he can complete it, Polunga disappears, and the Dragonballs turn to stone! Dende realizes this means the Grand Elder must have passed away. Freeza arrives back at his ship to find everyone standing around the seven stone balls.

The Birth of the Strongest Warrior? Nail and Piccolo Combine

Realizing he will be unable to get his wish granted, Freeza loses his temper. Freeza's Ki rises to a level incomparable to any previous enemy the others have known. A freshly-resurrected Piccolo, now on Namek, rushes to meet the source of this Ki. Along the way, he discovers the dying Nail lying where Freeza left him. Nail begs Piccolo to merge with him, only then will he have enough power to defeat Freeza. An uncertain Piccolo agrees to the procedure, and he and absorbs Nail into his own being. Piccolo enjoys a power-up greater than he could have expected, and hurries off to battle. Vegeta realizes that he is glad to have the support of Kuririn and Gohan, and the three of them face Freeza. With their combined strengths, they just may stand a chance to defeat him. Realizing Freeza is not using his full ability, Vegeta demands that he transform himself into his stronger form. Freeza compliments Vegeta's perception, and begins his transformation.

A Nightmare Super-Transformation!! Freeza's Battle Power Reaches One Million

Freeza's Ki climbs even higher, and the Battle Jacket he had been wearing shatters as he begins his transformation. Vegeta laughs, boasting that Freeza would have to do more than strip down if he wanted to take him on. Freeza tells Vegeta of how he didn't have to transform himself in order to kill King Vegeta, Vegeta's father, when he outlived his usefulness to Freeza, and we learn in flashback some of the history of the Saiyan royal family. Freeza completes his metamorphosis, growing twice as large as before, with a Ki several times as great. Freeza charges forward. His first victim is Kuririn, who is impaled on one of Freeza's horns!

Is This the End? A Brutal Power Attacks Gohan Head-On

Having skewered Kuririn on one of his horns, Freeza flips him off and into the sea. Gohan rushes to save Kuririn, but Freeza blocks his path. An enraged showers Freeza with kicks, punches and energy blasts. Gohan launches one last blast to finish Freeza, causing a huge explosion. As the smoke clears, Freeza is revealed to be stunned with amazement. However, he is relatively undamaged for all of Gohan's efforts! Freeza powers himself up, and begins to attack Gohan. Under the onslaught of Freeza, it is all Gohan can do just to stay alive.

The Tide Suddenly Turned!! Piccolo, the Warrior Who Came Late

Vegeta watches the terrible punishment Gohan is receiving from Freeza. He trembles, and is unable to move. As Freeza prepares to deliver the final blow to Gohan, his tail is suddenly clipped by a Kienzan disc! Dende had rescued Kuririn, and healed him with a special power he possesses. Kuririn draws Freeza's attention, and gets him to chase him through some of the local landscape. While Freeza is distracted, Dende is able to restore the near-fatally injured Gohan back to full health! As a result, Gohan's Battle Power enjoys a significant increase. However, as Gohan jumps back into the fight, his abilities are still no match for Freeza's strength. Suddenly, Piccolo arrives and joins the battle against Freeza.

Piccolo's Self-Confidence! I Will Be the One to Defeat Freeza

The battle begins between Freeza and Piccolo. Kuririn, stunned at how self-assured Piccolo is in his fight with Freeza, is unable to hide his disbelief. Gohan, on the other hand, believes that his hero Piccolo stands a good chance to defeat Freeza. Piccolo seems to feed on the reliance Gohan places in him, and fights to that measure. Piccolo turns down Kuririn's and Gohan's offer to assist, saying he wishes to defeat Freeza alone. Nail's remaining consciousness, deep within Piccolo's psyche, relishes the way Piccolo is handling Freeza. After fighting for some time, neither warrior is obviously winning or losing.

Attack Goku!! An Enraged Freeza's Second Transformation

Freeza, in his fight with Piccolo, was still not using the full extent of his abilities. Freeza suddenly goes all-out, and attacks Piccolo like he really means it. In response, Piccolo takes off his weighted turban and mantle. All this time, Piccolo had been fighting with his heavy clothes on! He was not using the full extent of his abilities either! Freeza reveals that he can transform himself twice more, into progressively more powerful forms. Freeza performs his second transformation, powering himself up much stronger than before, and overwhelms Piccolo. Freeza repetitvely launches energy blasts from his fingertip. The blasts are too fast for Piccolo to dodge, and he is hit by the machine-gun style barrage. The attack leaves Piccolo pock-marked and bleeding, and his clothes in tatters.


Continued at Freeza Saga Part 2!