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Chess Ninjas Dojo

Overview . All aspects of the theory introduced.

The Vortex Theory

  The Vortex Theory is a new paradigm of Chess. It looks at the ancient game from an entirely new perspective.
    The methods and mindset of this paradigm have been used by the strongest players for hundreds of years. However they have never before been expressed as a cohesive system. This reticence has been due to various factors. Firstly, there is a competitive advantage gained over those ignorant of the theory, so an egotistical (and financial , in the case of professional players, ) desire exists to keep the system secret.
  Also, this system is to a large degree intuitive, making it totally obvious to some and incomprehensible to others. Further, mastery is achieved by personal interpretation and expression, so the journey is always made by the student. Another can merely point the way. Truly it is travelled alone. In the final analysis it is learnt by doing. By action on the chessboard not by words.
    Where traditional Chess manuals treated the game like an exact science, to be dissected and analysed objectively in all its myriad , and discrete parts , the Vortex Theory is holistic and subjective.
   Results, according to this theory, are due to the psychological make up of the competitors. This is a pragmatic and flexible philosophy where the aim is victory, by any ( legal ) means. More emphasis, ( relative to traditional methods, ) is therefore placed on an understanding of the chess clock ( used in tournament play ) and speed of play. Winning on time, or by pressuring the opponent to blunder, is just as valid, in this system, as creating a mating net or converting an endgame advantage.
    A full understanding of the theory will enable you to play much quicker. This puts more pressure on your opponent. This is a major factor in tournament play and yet it remains almost completely ignored by traditional how-to books and magazine reports. Even the annotation of great chess games rarely tells us of the considerable effect the clock had on the result.
   The student must master themself to master this theory. Understand yourself to understand your path to victory. This heightened self-awareness and self-control is in itself worthwhile. In fact it is priceless.
   The Vortex Theory sees Chess as a microcosm of Life itself . Mastery of Chess will enable you to master anything else you wish. The world is your oyster. Enjoy it as you will.

Mark J. Bowen
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