Mr.Bean's Homepage
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Mr.Bean's Homepage

Hi and welcome to my Mr.Bean homepage. This is under construction right now but soon will be the best. So hang in there.
People say I look like Mr.Bean. His show is funny at times. Look in your T.V. page to see when Mr.Bean comes on where you live. I would like to thank Frank and Joseph for introducing Mr.Bean to me. THANKS GUYS!
Mr.Bean's show is located in England. He drives a yellow car. Well it's not really a car, it's like a two seat go-kart with a hood and trunk and doors. He uses a pad lock to lock his door. He really doesn't talk, he just mumbles. But my friend Frank says that he's like Jim Carry: he's funny because he's so stupid. He just makes you smile. So watch Mr.Bean whenever you have the chance. And e-mail me at with your comments on the page and his show.
I also bowl with my friend Frank. Down below is my list of things not to do while bowling.

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