Backstreet's Home Policy Page

You see something you like on my page and just had to have it?? or you wanna link my page to yours? Well, before you e-mail me and ask me permission to do that, please read the following information first. If anything is unclear to you, not listed down there or unanswered, then you may by all means e-mail me and ask.

*** News****
The Policy page was made so people won't go around linking or taking pictures and claiming it as their own (when they didn't do anything but cut and paste). That doesn't mean I'm on a power trip just by putting this up. (people need to be less uptight) These are merely rules to go by, if you've scanned in your own pictures, or articles, that I also have in my page, that is fine by me. What I mention on this page concerns the content on this site only. It doesn't not concern anything else like if someone has the exact same picture on their site (that they scanned in themselves) I'm not gonna go and accuse them of stealing my pictures or something like that. I understand that some people out might have the same information as me, and if they use it on their site, that's their information that they got themselves (from books, articles, etc), that doesn't concern my page. Do you get what I'm trying to convey here?
[ Images | Lyrics | Info | Links | Bios | How to Give Credit | Asking for Permission ]


Generally, I'm pretty easy-going when it comes to letting other people use the pictures I scanned in but there are a few DO's and DON'T's:

  1. DON'T link directly to my server. (That makes it slow down) Instead, upload the image to your own server.
  2. DON'T try to take credit for scanning the image(s) yourself. (I though it would be pretty obivious, but unfortunately I learned not to assume this kind of thing)
  3. DON'T take an entire page of mine.
  4. DO link to my page. (I won't get on your case if you don't, but I consider it common courtesy to link to people's pages that you have used anything from.)

Downloading for your own personal enjoyment is fine. =D

All of the images have been scanned by me, unless otherwise noted. ^_^;


Since most of the lyrics on my page are easy to find, I don't have a problem with people using them. But if you are to use them, please give me credit to them as least. Because it took me forever to type them up. (It's a lot more work since I used HTML instead of TXT format, to make it easier for people to use)


Hey anything you learned from my page is free for you to use, but please don't just cut and paste it onto your own page, unless you have the same thing, article or something, and if you're lazy like me...go ahead. Cut and paste away, just don't link to it directly to my site. But it would be better if you put your own personal touch to it. =)


You wanna link to my page? Feel free to do don't need my permisson to do that =)

But...if..well...if you want me to link to your page? Sorry, I hate to say this but..since I'm closing down this site.. (don't worrie it'll still be here, it just won't be updated.) I wouldn't be adding any more links on there. Feel free to try other sites.


Well, Birthdays, Name, height, familys, birthplaces are general information people could get anywhere. So I don't mind you using them. But the Favorites, and fun facts stuff like that took time to get so I would like it if you gave me credit for those. =)

How to Give Credit

Hmm...lets would you give credit to me?? Well, here's what you can do, you can put something like.. "Pictures by Backstreet's Home or
"Lyrics courtesy of Backstreet's Home or
"Information provided by Backstreet's Home
you know something like that.... {you may want to change the link to suit the situtation more better} Now, was that so hard to do?? *don't you dare say yes...=P

Asking for Permission

Have you finish reading the information above?? *if not, please go back up and read it?* Thanks! =)

Ok, now that you've read all the information and want to ask me permission to use something? Then e-mail me at and let me know exactly what you want to use and exactly what you want to use it for. And if I say "no" please don't go ahead and act like I said yes and use my stuff anyways. Also, an important thing, be polite when you're asking me for something because being rude and/or demanding won't get you anywhere. I'll probably just put your e-mail message in the Trash Folder. ^_^

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

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