Concert Reviews

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thanx-Brittany Tucker-
December 6, 1998

I went to the BSB concert in LA and it rocked the best part was when Nick wore a tank top and when A.J.was on the floor so if you ever get the chance to go to a concert go.

thanx- Lauren -

It was very good concert. My friends and I threw a stuffed monkey on stage and Nick picked it up and started dancing and playing with it for the whole song.... As Long As You Love Me. To our luck, we had attached a note with our phone numbers on it and the next morning, their manager called and promised to send us backstage passes and autographed pictures of the Boys. So that was a night to remember.

August 2nd, 1998~Milwaukee, Wisconsin

My name is Kristine and I went to a BSB concert in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 2nd at 1:00 PM. It was da bomb! The guys could see the crowd better cause it was light out. I got there at about 1:08 and missed Aaron Carter! DAMN! Oh well, a lot of people told me he was so cute. I saw him on stage right, but he just sat there. Well anyway, the guys came out as soon as I got there. It was so cool. They came out of these elevator things from under the stage. They were all wearing red suits. I was in shock! They were so fine and Howie's got a body! I was actually seeing the BSB in the flesh! Well the band started playing and they did some martial arts type dance routine dancing to the songs "Too Close" by NEXT and "Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See" by BUSTA RHYMES. That was cool. They really can dance. Then they started to sing "That's The Way I Like It" I love that song, and then "Hey, Mr. DJ" After that they each did solos. Howie- My Heart Stays With You (I don't know if he wrote it, I think he did) He threw roses too, I didn't catch one. DAMN! AJ- Lay Down Beside Me, he humped the stage, I was screaming so much. Kevin- Nobody But You, Brian- That's What She Said, I love that song, and Nick- Heaven in Your Eyes. I love that song too. Then they sang We've Got It Going On and Get Down. Darlin' and I'll Never Break Your Heart but no one was brought up on stage. Anywhere For You, All I Have To Give, and As Long As You Love Me. Their encore was Everybody (Backstreet's Back). They played Quit Playing Games themselves. They did really good. The band purposely messed up playing it and Nick was like "Guys we can't do this, it's just not working!" Then I caught on and yelled, "You play it!" I don't know if they heard me but my whole section was looking at me. Then Howie said, "Let's show the fans what we can do and play it Backstreet style." I was yelling then they played it. They sang every song from their American Debut Album except for If You Want It To Be Good Girl and Set Adrift On Memory's Bliss. Plus they sang Let's Have A Party from the European Album. They had 4 buses! I was like Damn, why don't they just get 5 so they each of them have their own bus! I was kidding though. But those buses were huge. At the end, we were sitting waiting for everyone to leave but the usher made us leave. The concert felt so short! Once you see the guys you just want them to stay forever. Now all I have to do is meet them, yeah, when I'm like 80 that'll happen. If you haven't been to a BSB concert you're missing out on a great show. The tickets may be pricey, but it's worth it! So you got to go to see how the BSB work it. You'll never forget it, I know I won't. I couldn't take any pics cause they said that if they catch you, they'll throw it away. When I got home, my voice was really hoarse and I was losing it. I felt like I lost 4 lbs. You'll have the best time, but you'll feel like you get a workout too. (If you were jumping, dancing, and screaming like I was for like the whole time) I know I made eye contact with all of them. And when Howie winked at me he stripped his shirt off. My friends keep saying he did it for you girl! I wish he did or did he? Hmmmmm... I'll never know will I? Well, I hope you like my review. ~*~Kristine~*~

thanx -Andrea-4 dis story
Jan 18 , 1997 in Columbus OH.

Anyway, last night was the concert. It started at 6:00 (18:00 UT), and I had to leave at 1:00 (13:00 UT). My mom dropped me off at Kris' house, and then at 2:30, her mom took us down to Columbus. WE got there around 4:50 (16:50 UT), and we had to wait for awhile for the concert to begin. While we waited, I we got souvenirs and I met 4 other BSB fans (two girls that live about 15 minutes away from me and two from Canada). Then, the concert started, and the first opening act was She Moves...and they were okay, but they were former cheerleaders, and you know how I hate cheerleaders. Then, the second was Los Umbrellos, and they were awesome! They sang some of their songs in Spanish...and they were hiphop songs (I want to get their CD now). Then, after that...the lights came back on, and we waited for 15 minutes for the concert start.
And then...
THE BSB CAME OUT!!! YAY!!! The intro (before they actually came onto the stage) was "We've Got It Goin' On" and then they came out, and did that "10, 9, 8, 7, 6 5-4, 3-2, 1" thing with the dance break. And then they did that "If you're ready and you know it clap your hands" thing, and then they did a dance to the music of Ginuwine's "Pony". I love the very beginning. Then, of course, they started the first part of the concert, and they were all in those space suits that they wear (AJ-blue, Brian-yellow, Howie-red, Kevin-black, and Nick-white).

The songs they performed were...
And then they left and came out again in white suits...and then they intorduced themselves and talked about how Columbus was special to them because that's where they were discovered by their managers who got them a record deal. Oh...and AJ wanted to take us all home with him...and Brian said he'd love to have people come visit him in Kentucky (Columbus is not far from Lexington). Well, then they sat down on stools, and they sang "Toast To Our Love" (pretty song!!). And then they got up and they did these songs...
ALL I HAVE TO GIVE (you know, with that hat dance they do with's awesome!)
I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART (Nick got a really slutty girl up on stage with him...Kelly and I have decided to call him "da playa" now)
QUIT PLAYING GAMES (WITH MY HEART)...AJ introduced this one, and it got the crowd all hyped up And then they left again and returned in black shirts and jeans. And then they performed these songs...
WE'VE GOT IT GOIN' ON (throughout this song or Get Down [whichever, I don't really remember], AJ started yelling "C'mon"...sounded like a chipmunk)
AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME (did that cool chair dance, of friend, Kris was off to the side of me doing the dance along with them...she's hilarious)

And then they left the stage with chairs in hand, and then they came back out again...and REALLY cool music was playing. And they started performing "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)", and that was definitely their best number. But then it was over. *sniff* and I was all hyped up but Kelly and Kris were crying. I caught up with the 2 girls we'd met earlier and I got their addresses and phone number so that I could call them. Then, we sat around for awhile, until an usher said that we HAD TO LEAVE, and I was mad for having to be told to leave...but oh well. What can you do, huh? Well, that's my story. I wasn't able to take pictures because originally, you weren't supposed to have a camera. Kris had one, but her mom told her to leave it in the car, 'cause she wasn't going to be able to use it. And then...of course, we were allowed to have cameras...but we didn't have one with us. Oh damn!! And Kelly brought a recording device, but she left it on pause the whole time...and it didn't tape. Can you believe that??? Oh boy. We had fun. Can't wait for the next one. BSB concerts always rule!!

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