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"An angel appeared in the smoldering skies above the fray, her clothes as flames, her armor as fire."

This site is only for person who like poems...and this page is added sometimes...

8th February'98

" The Touch of an Angel "

In the darkest night,
in my deepest fear,
when there's no one to help,
no one to care or care.

You come and touch me,
you shines my heart,
you hold my hand,
you touch my heart.

Your touch is so warm,
I felt peace in my heart,
I felt the love in your heart for me,
the touch of an Angel.....

-Khrisna Ditama-

9th February'98

" Love at The First Sight "

What is love ?
Everybody said that love is blind..
Maybe they're right..
Because I feel it too.

First time I saw you,
there's a feeling inside me,
the one I never felt before,
and I think it's love...

When I saw your eyes,
I feel that you are meant for me,
I want to hold you,
and I will never let you go.

You shine my heart like a sun in the sky,
your face is like an angel which come down from heaven for me,
I felt this is going to be my first love...
and it also going to be the last and forever....

-Khrisna Ditama-

11th February'98

" Fear "

Darkness is surrounding me,
the cold wind blowing through my body,
there's no sign of hope,
only cold black wind that blowing through me.

I'm trying to find a way out,
screaming, running and crawling looking for a help,
but there's no answer,
I felt like inside of a huge tunnel which have no end.

suddenly, I saw a door,
I ran to approach that door,
I heard a pain scream from that door,
and I opened the door.

I was amazed...
I saw a lake of fire,
and I saw a large amount of people drawned into that lake,
they are screaming for help.

Then I saw a man sitting on a huge throne,
His face is surrounded by brightest light I ever saw,
I felt the greatest fear I ever had because i don't know who i'm facing to,
and I realize that I'm facing with God.....

-Khrisna Ditama-

" Friend "

When you are in trouble,
when you got a problems,
who are you going to talk to?
who are you going to share to?

You need a friend to lean on,
you need a friend to talk to,
someone to help you when you are in trouble,
someone who cares you.

I'll be you friend,
I'll be a friend who you can rely on,
I'll be a friend who cares,
I'll be your forever friend.

This poem is dedicated to my friend, Loretta who has been a friend.

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