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The Poetry

This poetry has been submitted to me from all around

Long Distance

Across the distance
The energy hums
An electrical charge
Fills the air

Two spirits meet
Who have never seen
Two hearts join
And start to care

All they have are words
Not ever a touch or glance
Never have they met
And wonder if they ever will by chance

An insurmountable journey
Maybe an unreachable goal
A love seperated by miles
A torment that takes it's toll

Two lovers joined
Through space and time
Though not on
The physical plane

These ties that bind
Will keep each safe
Until actual presence
They attain
By:Tracie Martin copyright 1997

North Wind

From the north a shallow wind blows
The stories it could tell
If we could but listen we would know
Whether our friends do well

So close your eye, open your ear
It does not hurt to try
Do you not wonder what you'll hear?
Lady, so do I

Aye the stories it does tell
Of men, and love, and war
And children dancing in a dell
With the sky above so far

Well when I die and spirit wakes
I will tell things too
No matter the journeys that it takes
To bring news back to you
By:Tracie Martin copyright 1989


Life is living in the vast sea of the world in which exists many islands of people
Many of the islands hold numerous people
But the island that I live on is one of the few that are made of isolation
This is due to who I am and what I believe
For this the tides of the sea keep people away from my island
Every now and then someone comes to my isle with the tide, just for a little time
Then the tide takes them back
As time passed I learned to accept my life as it was and started to live comfortably in my solitude
But the sea had other ideas for my life
One day as I walked the beach, I met a woman who later, to my suprise, fought the tides to stay and share the island with me
Together we made the island into a paradise
No longer did I fear walking alone apon the island
Nor did I fear the tides, for I knew that she would be there with me for all time
I also learned, with her help, that it has always been, and will forever be
Possible for people to join this island and help make it a better place for all who stay
By:Richard Mills Jr copyright 1997

Fragile Strands...

Fragile strands of palest gold
Falling across a plane of bronzed cream
Quivering beads of moisture dew his skin
Infinite iridesent pearls

I glory in his touch
Like the tender whispers
Of butterfly wings
Coaxing a response

Shy, hesitant at first, then
Increasingly more abondoned
As inhibitions crumble
And gentle flames become a towering blaze

Frantic merging, searing heat
A single moment or surging joy
Then slowly the drifting descent
Back to earth a single night, spent

Close in my lovers arms
By:Tracie Martin copyright 1992


The fire dances
Sending it's reflections
Scattering around the room
Like thousands of priceless jewels

In your eyes
The light is gleaming
Twin beacons of flame
Beckoning my soul to you

To my eyes
Your body shimmers
Seeming to absorb all of
The warmth and light in the room

I lose myself
Gazing in awe
Now, entirely captured
By the wonder of your presence

In flickering shadows
My pulse is quickening
Nothing more exists to me
Than the heat that is your touch

A frozen instant
A single moment in time
The overwhelming rush
That forever brands you on my heart

By:Tracie Martin copyright 1994


Solitude is silent,
So they say
But they have never listened
Solitude has a sound
Like the rushing of the wind,
That cleanses your mind
Of all the accumulated grime of thoughts,
And the chorus of the birds,
Greeting each moment, as if
It renews them

Solitude is lonely
Or so they say
And that is why it frightens them,
But solitude is never lonely,
It is filled by the company of
Your dreams, and
Inhabited by the creatures of your imagination

Solitude is sometimes needed,
It helps you to regain
Your peace and composure.
Revitalizing you, and preparing you
For the challenges on the road
that lies ahead

By:Tracie Martin copyright 1997

The Instant

I have seen magic
I have seen it, from that first moment
An instance of recognition, spontaneous, incredible
Time could've stood still or rushed by
I wouldn't have known or cared

For I longed to touch you
The curve of your shoulders, the feel of your skin
To look deeply into those eyes, like black pearls
Darks stars from which worlds emerge
And in which one could vanish contently

The hair which was strewn across your shoulders
Raven's hair, waves upon waves like a black ocean
Or perhaps the surf at night, upon some shore
In some distant warm land
A place of warm hearts

I have seen magic
Like a sunrise for the first time
Lighting a dark and frozen world
Which slowly awakens
By the carress of your glance

Long I have, patience I've plenty
Waiting for that moment when we
Like worlds orbiting each other ever closer
At last come together
The mutual attraction that great

The time comes at last
The first moments, that instant
When our hands touched, fingers outreached
Locking as if inseperable
Caught like in gravity's grip

By:Robert R. Little Copyright 1 June 1999

Stars Eternity

A star’s eternity passes
Every time I fall into your eyes.
Solar Systems are born and die
In an instants glance
Galaxies spiral
Away into infinity
And still there is not time enough
To spend with you

The moon wanes
Then waxes full again
Influencing the tides
That you stir in my blood
The planets spin
Following their courses
As ageless and fated
As our own together

The sun glares down
Jealous of our fire
Ancient Apollo’s chariot
Forever dimmed by us
The stars in their celestial chorus
Join the music of the spheres
In keeping eternal
The song that is our love

If the universe
Indeed understands itself through us
And we are but minor extensions
Of that universal whole
Through us has the universe gained
Not only the concept of beauty
But also an understanding
Of what eternity should be

By:Trey Oakenchilde Copyright July 1999

Migraine Storm

Raindrops like tears
Clouds like cotton,
Grey, dismal and bland.
What a fitting symbol,
For such a mood as I am in.
Thunder pounding,
Lightning flashing.
Physical symbols
Of my forthcoming pain.
Humidity beads the windowpanes
An all too familiar distortion of vision.
Heat rises from the ground in waves,
Adding to my already considerable
Sharp, deadening, flurry of sound
Then silence and surcease,
As consciousness flees

By:Tracie Martin Copyright 24 June 1999


It begins - a rolling turbulence
Like cream poured in coffee.
Colors of light and dark and in between
Swirling around each other
Ever moving - ever changing
Dragging me in.
Flashes of lightening - bright cold fire
Illuminate the depths
And I am in awe of the power there.
A storm of anger?
A storm of passion?
I care not which - but surrender to it gladly.
Knowing that each is born of the other -
That anger is caring
And passion is love.
Such are the storms in your eyes.

By: Karen Jones-Turkel Copyright July 13, 1999

Email: oakenkinder@hotmail.com