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"Without Prejudice" UCC 1-207


"True Transparentency", without the "spin" and "morally bankrupt" motivated mismanagement by the politicans and greedy powers behind the curtain of manipulation, could stop the manipulation and fraud. Until then, there will NEVER be "Utopia" except in your dreams of a Free Market, a Free and Honest money, Free Gold or Free Silver or a Free World.

UPDATED 10 - 6 - 03

"In free governments the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns." Benjamin Franklin

"We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." -- Woodrow Wilson

"Whenever legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." - John Locke

Past Reports on Gold, Silver, etc 02

Past Reports - 03

Past Reports on Globalism/NWO, etc- 03

Past Reports - unsorted news - 8-13-03

More on the Private Federal Reserve Banking Scams

What are you going to do when they come for you?



Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine of international copyright law.


Please note: this will be the last news update for awhile

world oil and gas reserves are as much as 80% less than predicted

US factory orders fall 0.8% in August

Amnesty proposed for overseas profits Corporations that have not paid taxes in their income (like you are required to) about to be let off of the hook.

Chicago City Council Chides Patriot Act

Think Gold forget the Dollar

Bad money always chases good money from circulation


Lots of Facts

Read this carefully. This is the sort of dodgy bookkeeping that the US Government has been using, forcing you to pay TWICE for the same service.

Consumer Confidence Plummets in September

9/11 used as 'excuse' for government repression, claims UN report

Job losses now at Great Depression levels

Task Force Warns of Natural Gas Crunch

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve

Foreclosures continue to soar

Dragon at thhe door

Diebold Internal Memos Admit Voting Machine Flaws Dated Oct. 2001, the memo by Diebold's principal engineer Ken Clark concedes that it is quite simple to do an "end run" around the Diebold GEMS voting software, used in both touch screen and optical scan voting machines, and that this "back door" has already been used in elections. Diebold states that the memos are authentic, but claims copyright protection.

Congressman Ron Paul Admits Conspiracy to Create World Government

New World Order Quotes

White House Faces Crunch Time on 9/11 Files

Bush's Unofficial Official Secrets Act: - How the Justice Department Has Pushed to Criminalize The Disclosure of Non-Security Related Government Information

Markets suffer as dollar tumbles

Hurting households

Patriot Act not just for terror The Bush administration, which calls the USA Patriot Act perhaps its most essential tool in fighting terrorists, has begun using the law with increasing frequency in many criminal investigations that have little or no connection to terrorism.

Health Insurance


This paper analyzes job-drain that is threatening America with de-industrialization. The process will continue as long as wild swings in the rate of interest do. The cure is to be found in the stabilization of interest rates. It can be effected by opening the U.S. Mint to the free and unlimited coinage of gold, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution.


flash net update

Is the dollar 'Toast?

Gold Rotates to the Top

Unconventional methods

Treasury Sets Bank Customer ID for PATRIOT Act to spy on Americans

Fed Detainees Up 1000 Percent! in 20 Years

lots more on cryptome

Manager expects gold to jump further

What Has Government Done to Our Money? Short version: When the money itself has value, nothing the government can do can change its worth. Control of the worth of your money remains in your hands. With a fiat monetary system under the control of International Bankers, i.e. legalized government counterfeiting, the value of the money moves from your control to that of the Bankers, and declines as the government prints up more empty money.

FBI ends investigation into 9-11 short-selling, without revealing who did it. Which tells us who did it.


recent report by the Congressional Budget Office showed that only about $2.5 billion of the $4 billion being spent monthly on the war can be accounted for by the Bush administration, That means $1.5 BILLION dolars has vanished without a trace!

"Here is a key question: When does a parasite become a predator?"

Most if not all of the documents cited above are posted on the Law Research & Registry web site

he We The People Foundation/We The People Congress has formulated an excellent way for us to prove that the answers to our questions are not on the IRS website and print publications.

Joseph R. ( Joe ) Banister, C.P.A. Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent

Problems everywhere

Two stories warn of impending financial crisis generated by U.S. government spending and trade imbalances

IMF warns of house price collapse

USAGOLD Daily Market Report

No Evidence Iraq Stockpiled Smallpox Another lie exposed. (Did you ever wonder who bought the only company to make the vacine?)

The reckless financial policies of leading western powers in the last two decades make it likely that the next seismic debt crisis will be in America, not Argentina.

Al Qaeda terrorist worked with FBI

Recently unearthed US government documents reveal new information on illicit US chemical weapons research. The US Marine Corps program on so-called "non-lethal" chemicals has inked new deals for prohibited weapons.

Radio Tag Debut Set for This Week

Bush trying to cover his lies on Iraq

The present federal income tax was ruled a direct tax in 1988 in United States v. Wells Fargo Bank et al, 485 U.S. 351, 357.

PPolitical prisioner?

flashnet updates

what reallyhappened

Wikipedia: Project for the New American Century

Ashcroft bars the doors to democracy Sure, you can have free speech, just so long as nobody can hear you.

More indications that Al Qaeda isn't a real organization, but merely a front for intelligence agencies trying to create a war.

Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before NY attack

he plan calls for the president to issue a proclamation ordering 13.5 million health-care professionals to register for a draft within 13 days. Following the proclamation, Congress would quickly pass legislation authorizing the draft of health-care workers aged 20-44, and for the first time in U.S. history, the draft would include women.

In 2005, US truckers will be required to register ( and pay ) for the Commercial Driver's Biometric Identity Card. Then, in 2007, you will be required to have a VeriChip implanted near your wrist, in order to legally drive a Commercial Vehicle.

"When you understand what the bots seem to be pointing to, you'll see how if true, this will instantly put the world to the brink of an Olduvai event - a massive die-off of humans because we will have out populated the world's energy supply. That won't happen overnight, but over 10-20 years. In the process, globalization will end and local survival will become the major objective."

Not only King Gyorgyi who is in Russia striking up deals!

Pravada coverage

"Hiding in plain sight."

"If jobs fail, so does the economy,"

Middle class barely treads water

Market Wrap Up - Puplava

"Our government statistics are replete with deceptive fraud"

The Political Capital of 9/11 90% of the fear in this nation is created by the mainstream media.

America is no more. Thousands of federal jobs may go abroad, U.S. says Surprise, surprise. And you thought if you waved that flag hard enough at the departing troops that Daddy Dubya would take care of you!

FLASHBACK: Who Owns Congress

Bible-reading passenger silenced with duct-tape

What happens when you use Depleated Uranium on your own troops?

US mortgage lenders issue warnings

More US dollar pegs?

Declassified documents reveal the extent of US involvement in the overthrow of democratically elected President Salvador Allende and the installation of the dictator Pinochet. The US talks a good game of brining democracy to its victims, but history tells a different story, of US-backed dictatorships and oppressed peoples.

'Blood, oil, and tears - and the 2004 Bush campaign strategy'

Operation Pearl

Fundamental Flaw in Character of This White House

Gold prices

silver prices

Airport Travelers To Get Ionizing X-Ray Radiation For those of you who didn't pay attention in physics, this is the kind of radiation that causes cancers.

Health Premiums Swell

Health costs skyrocket

America could be in for a nasty shock if foreign investors decide to stop bankrolling its massive trade deficit

How Changes in the Dollar`s Value Affect the U.S. Economy.


The so called "911 conspiracy theories" are gaining ground, heads will roll if the "Truth" gets out.

SETTING THE TERROR TRAP - Manipulating the American Psyche

executive orders 2003

what really happened

Debunking The Debunkers? Snopes caught altering their story?

U.S, won't let terror suspect testify What is the US hiding?

Dollar Has Biggest Weekly Decline Against the Euro Since July

9-5 Unemployment has dipped to 6.1% in August from a nine-year high of 6.4% in June. But the decline [in unemployment] stemmed from discouraged job seekers giving up their search, not from any increases in hiring.

Big Brother takes grip on America


Rep. Ron Paul, MD - Paper Money and Tyranny

Truth is the First Casualty of Ashcroft's PATRIOT Act Propaganda Tour

The two words we never hear in the corporate media's discussion of Iraq are "oil" and "nationalism."

no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda

State Citizen - - The problem is Title 28 section 1332 is federal law and law in the States and it says a corporation shall be considered a citizen of State for purposes of jurisdiction. That's why you are always presumed to be a natural person acting as a business entity, also known as an individual. Once you learn how to get past that, it's a whole new ball game.

Bush numbers hit new low Time for another staged terror attack, folks!

USA Earth Change Maps


Bush's NWO HHS Provides $1.4 Billion More to States and Hospitals for Terrorism Preparedness. (He must be getting ready for a second great deception.

nteresting. The government announces an impending biological "terror attack" (Copyright 2003 White House) then tells hospitals they no longer have to treat everyone who shows up at the emergency rooms.

China holds the keys to our kingdom

Greenspan Highway

An asteroid big enough to wipe out most of Europe is hurtling towards the Earth, astronomers warned. TIIME FRAME - ASTEROID THREATENS EARTH IN 2014

We will all either have to perform heroics of productive endeavour to restore the balance, or face the grim reckoning that we are not as wealthy as we currently believe. A drastic adjustment in currency parities may well be a part of that.

Executive Order on Iraqi Assets Grab

Denying the Public Electrical Information

“Nations seek world order centered on UN not U.S.” and this is all run by the International BBankers of the World Bank and the IMF

when the value of currencies drops, gold emerges as a big rock."

Underfunded pension liabilities at troubled U.S. companies doubled this fiscal year, and could exceed $80 billion

Apocalypse This Way Comes

FBI agents busted for insider trading with data obtained through FBI.

VOICES IN YOUR HEAD? Are the "Nut" cases shooting people a training exercise in this research?


hard-to-find information about unconventional, suppressed, dormant, and/or emerging technologies, inventions, theories and therapies that offer real hope of liberating humanity


Meet Eater - The FBI's Plan for Digital Wiretaps Raises More Questions Than It Answers But I have my own theory about Carnivore. From a network architecture standpoint, the best location for Carnivore is right after the ISP's router. This puts Carnivore in the path of every packet entering or leaving the ISP. It's also a major reason why ISPs might not want to install Carnivore boxes -- it's the network's point of greatest vulnerability. In this position, Carnivore can act as a listening and recording device, OR IT CAN ACT AS A SWITCH. If we ever hear a proposal from the FBI in which it plans to install Carnivores at all 6000 ISPs in the U.S., we'll be giving the government the power to do something it can't do right now. Shut the Internet down.

Genetically modified food: Bush promotes a `biological time bomb' On August 7, the United States government formally demanded that the World Trade Organization (WTO) set up a dispute settlement panel in order to legally challenge the European Union's five-year de facto ban on the new approval of genetically modified foods. In doing so, US President George Bush's administration is not only pressuring the EU to accept more GM food imports, it is also seeking to force down the throat of the world's people a food supply that is of highly dubious safety and has potentially devastating environmental consequences. Once the NWO NGOs control the oil, water and food guess what will happen under UN/NWO population control?

Biggest Fraud Exposed

For the RECORD

The other part of the First Amendment

coming to America under Homeland Security?

September 11th And The Bush Administration - Compelling Evidence for Complicity

Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao has announced the Bush Administration's plan to end the 60-year-old law which requires employers to pay time-and-a-half for overtime. I'm sure you already knew that -- if you happened to have run across page 15,576 of the Federal Register. My favorite of Chao's little amendments would re-classify as "exempt professionals" anyone who learned their skill in the military. In other words, thousands of veterans will now lose overtime pay. I just can't understand why Bush didn't announce that one when he landed on the aircraft carrier

Hasta la Vista, America!

Total Surveillance Equals Total Tyranny



Richard Russell of Dow Theory Letter is forecasting the collapse of the U.S. equity markets and the U.S. dollar and recommending allocation of a third of everyone's liquid wealth into gold mining shares and gold coins.

Greenspan Argues Against Strict Rules for Fed (ARE HIS DERIVATIVES READY TO BRING DOWN THE SYSTEM?

"Not for dependant minds, whiners, and gas bags."

The "FIX" is in to steal Iraq's blind

Calendar of US Military who died for the CFR NEOCONs in the White House and PNAC's New World Order

RIAA Discloses Some Methods of Tracking of internet users

Smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program "only for certain people"

Job exporters seen constraining U.S. recovery

Looking to Raise Patriot Act Support, Ashcroft Raises Only Questions

The global war on terror is a smokescreen used by governments to wipe out opponents

Citing 'National Emergency', Bush Limits Pay Increases for Many Federal Workers

The Truth is "Hate Speech" to those with something to hide.


Outlook for Fall 2003: “Look out for the fall!”

Treasuries Rally, Defying Data

Asset price inflation is a symptom of overly expansive monetary policy.

Bubbles - go Pop!

OFAC Compliance Analyzer - Solve your OFAC & USA PATRIOT Act Compliance issues quickly, easily and affordably. More mandated junk for your office computer from Big Brother

y the end of this year some 40 million Americans will have had an adversarial confrontation with the Internal Revenue Service. In a rising number of such confrontations, the taxpayer is right, and the IRS is wrong. This study finds that despite a doubling of its budget over the past 10 years and a nearly 20 percent increase in enforcement personnel, the IRS is increasingly incapable of administering and enforcing the nation's tax law.

Classified Spending On the Rise

Re-fi bubble bursts (OOOPs now what is Mirror Mirror on the wall Greenspan going to do?)

Audit: Fla. Official Falsified Reports


Recall Congress Kick them ALL out, with their damned debts that We the People never agreed to repay, then start a new government with more sense.

Ashcroft's Dog and Pony Show

Lootocracy The last official act of any government is to loot the nation. -- Michael Rivero

Joining a growing chorus of families, the widow of a soldier in Iraq who died of a mysterious pneumonia-like illness said Thursday she fears the military may be lying about her husband's death. She said she worries that he may have died from the anthrax vaccine shots the Army gave him.

Military Mute On Vaccine Danger?

Axis of Ethyl

here comes da CHIP!

31 Questions and Answers about the Internal Revenue Service

Debunking IRS Lies


IRS Revenue Agent Reveals IRS is a Fraud You need to understand that with an Internal Revenue Code, Code of Federal Regulations, and other "official documents" spouting off several different definitions of United States, Internal Revenue Service and other important terms, this deception that keeps people ignorant is not a coincidence. The writers of the Code used semantics and legalese to make us think that we are required to pay the income tax and file an income tax return. Former IRS commissioner Shirley Peterson even stated that, and I quote, "Eight decades of amendments….to (the) code have produced a virtually impenetrable maze….The rules are unintelligible to most citizens….The rules are equally mysterious to many government employees who are charged with administering and enforcing the law.".

The 16th Amendment, on which the personal income tax is based, may not have been properly ratified after all! In his letter of transmittal to Congress, Secretary of State Philander Knox never even used the word "ratified", he merely declared the amendment to be "in effect". The 4 states listed below are among the 38 states that Philander Knox claimed ratification from. The Kentucky Senate voted upon the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of 9 in favor and 22 opposed. The Oklahoma Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning. The California legislative assembly never recorded any vote upon any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress. The State of Minnesota sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.

Patriot Act II Resurrected? Congress may consider a bill that not only expands the government's wiretapping and investigative powers but also would link low-level drug dealing to terrorism and ban a traditional form of Middle Eastern banking.

It's official - Saddam was not an imminent threat What is the British equivalent of tarring and feathering a lying politician? How about a recall and rope?

Australian case for Iraq war was 'fabricated' So was Britain's, and so was the US'.

Brace for shock at pump - Gas prices may reach highest level in history The looting of the nation proceeds

Industrial investment hits record low

Regulators push Freddie Mac to remove CEO

no action just another study at tax payer expense

Getting Gouged by Banks Time to go back to a cash only society

Aschrofts tour proves opposition to the USAPATRIOT act is growing!

Accurately assesses the role of the Fed and Central Banks as collusion, larceny and inherent mismanagement.


International Bankers Plan to rule the World - IMF/World Bank conference in Prague in September of 2000. It ends with words about arriving at a world currency by 2010.


>Salute from Time magazine:,9171,1107991025-33723,00.html

1998 paper summarizing his ideas:

"Guilded Opinion" link to Mundell's remarks in Prague:

more recent IMF thoughts on "Financial Globalisation":

Finally, the man's CV, complete with phone number and email address:

market updates

Depth of debt

WE CAN ONLY HOPE ! that it is the end of the UN in the US and may the end of the CFR be next in line


Reuters Cameraman Killed For Filming U.S. Graves: Brother Apparently, there are more US graves than the government wants you to see.

Iraq Resistance *Condemns* the UN Bombing! Was the bombing against the UN carried out by someone else who does not want the UN trying to run Iraq?

So High-tech is so good - U.S. Navy confirmed Tuesday that its multibillion-dollar Navy/Marine Corps Intranet (N/MCI) has been taken off-line


Study: Another 9-11-Style Attack Likely Probably in London because Blair needs it more than Bush does.

Stott - Usury/Devaluation/Inflation

Polygraph operators are being taught how to rig the tests to help force a confession.

The lie behind the lie detector

9/11-Style Attack Predicted in Next Year And JUST in time to influence the elections, no doubt.



FEDERAL INCOME TAX - PROOF OF CONSPIRACY What does the law say? There are two kinds of federal taxes, only two: direct and indirect. There is no third kind of federal tax. The law - the Constitution - says that all federal taxes must be one or the other. In Brushaber v. Union Pacific (240 US 1), in 1915, the US Supreme Court ruled that the income tax is legal (constitutional), but that it is an indirect tax. Indeed, in Stanton v. Baltic Mining (240 US 103), just a year later, the same judges said the same thing and added that their previous ruling, in Brushaber, created "no new power of taxation." In other words, Brushaber limited the federal government’s power to tax rather than expand it; limited it by forcefully explaining where that power could not reach. Nothing had changed since the Court ruled the income tax unconstitutional in 1894, in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust (158 US 601). The trouble with the tax today is that our friends at IRS are administering it illegally as a direct tax, which the Supreme Court forbade. That is the secret they don’t want you to know.

Nothing had changed since the Court ruled the income tax unconstitutional in 1894, in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust ( 158 US 601 ) .

Asia holds the mortgage on the US

Derivative Mismatch Explodes

Film will soon be made public of an Iraqi Army officer describing how he saw a US Air Force transport fly Saddam Hussein out of Baghdad.

Ashcroft's Victory Act to end 4th Amendment

Momentum growing against Patriot Act

Feds demanding more info about companies' customers

he case hinged on the Federal Government showing that there actually is a law obligating US citizens to pay personal income tax. They failed to do so!

Conservatives and libertarians who once viewed the judiciary as the final bulwark against government tyranny must now accept that no branch of government even remotely performs its constitutional role

interesting take on who will "Profit"

"We could face a mirror-image Asian Financial Crisis,"

Ass-Backward Economics

RFID tags

A lot of observers have noted the similarities between the present day US and the Nazi empire.

Shrink, Shift And Shaft Across the land, almost every state in the union has been plunged into its worst budget crisis since World War II. As a result, localities are laying off teachers, firefighters, police officers and social workers, closing libraries and health clinics, cutting child care, mental health services, public transit and pollution control, raising public college tuition and reducing financial aid, letting schools, playgrounds, roads and bridges go unrepaired. Oregon has shortened its school year by three weeks. Tennessee is removing 200,000 residents from medical coverage, most of whom are children. The list goes on.


Postal ID plan creates privacy fears

Homelessness grows as more live check-to-check But Bush's buddies and bankers are all doing well!

8-13 Heads Up - DERIVATIVES ! Author: Jim Sinclair



The Fantasy System

"The Tonasket Resolution" is a symbolic broadside at the USA Patriot Act"

Your Tax money pays for the research, then the government Patents them and sells License to businesses who charge you higher prices to buy the products.

"There is no question that if you run substantial and excessive deficits over time you are draining savings from the private sector," Greenspan

Economists at 16 of the banks, known as primary dealers, say the Fed to Wait Until Late 2004 ( after the presidential election ) to Raise Rates

8-12-03 Will the Fed raise rates "sooner" or "later?"

Nasiriyah, about 1,000 protesters demanded the resignation of the city's U.S.-appointed local council.

More funny business at J.P. Morgan

Today We Face Another 'Watergate

"UN denies us our human rights"