ABRAHAM and ISAAC To test Abraham's loyalty to Him, God ordered him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham obeyed Him without hesitation or question, proving his devotion. As soon as God saw that Abraham was faithful, he intervened and saved the life of Isaac. ADAM and EVE In the beginning, God created man out of the image of himself and named this first man Adam. The using one of Adam's ribs he fashioned Eve, the first woman. Adam and Eve lived in the paradise Garden of Eden. They were free to do whatever they pleased; however, they were forbidden to touch the sacred fruit tree in the middle of the orchard. Satan, disguised as a snake, tempted Eve with the fruit. Eve and Adam ate the fruit and as a result were banished from paradise. This is termed the original sin. CAIN and ABEL Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve. Cain committed the first murder ever by killing his own brother over jealousy. When God asked him where Abel was, he replied, "I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?" God banished Cain to a faraway land for his evil deed. CRUCIFIXION of JESUS After being sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate, Jesus was beaten and mocked, even forced to wear a crown of thorns. He was forced to bear his own cross to the Calvary Hill, where people were crucified. The cross of which he died became a symbol of Christianity. DANIEL and the LIONS Daniel was an Israelite in a foreign land in which it was forbidden to pray to anyone but the king. When he was discovered praying to God, the king threw Daniel into the lion's den. However, God sent an angel to protect Daniel, and later he was set free. DAVID and GOLIATH The Israelites were waging war with their enemies, who had the fiercesome warrior Goliath. Only David was willing to battle this giant one on one and went out armed with only a slingshot and some stones. With God's help he defeated Goliath and later became a great king. JOB Job's faith was tested by God, who took away his lands, family, health, everything. Though urged to curse God, Job remained devoted to the end and therefore was rewarded with multiples of what he had before. JONAH and the Whale To avoid a command from God, Jonah took to the seas. When a huge storm battered the ship, the sailors, realizing God's wrath, tossed Jonah into the sea and the mouth of a huge whale. After three days in the whale's belly, Jonah prayed for forgiveness and was pardoned. JOSEPH and the COAT of MANY COLORS Joseph's father gave to his youngest son a beautiful coat of many colors, making the other brothers so jealous that they sold Joseph into slavery in a distant land. Later, Joseph rose into prominence and became a ruler of a prosperous land. In a time of great famine, Joseph's brothers sought aid from him, not realizing who he was. However, the gentle Joseph forgave his brothers' sins and offered them assistance. LAST SUPPER The night before Jesus' crucifixion, he had Passover dinner with his twelve apostles. Jesus at this Last Supper washed their feet broke bread with them. In addition, he also announced that one of them would betray him and another would deny him three times (Judas Iscariot and Peter, respectively). LOT'S WIFE Once God decided to destroy two entire cities of evil people, Sodom and Gomorra, but he wished to save one good man, Lot. He told him and his family to leave their home but warned them not to look back. When Lot's wife did, He turned her into a pillar of salt. MOSES Moses was one of the greatest leaders of the Israelites, leading them from under the control of the pharaoh of Egypt with the help of God, who sent a series of plagues, including locusts, blood, and the killing of the first born son of each family. At the beginning of the Exodus, or the 40 year journey, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God through a burning bush. NOAH and the ARK When the world became filled with corrupt and evil people, God decided to send a great flood to destroy the entire world. However, God decided to save Noah, his family, and the animals of the earth. He asked that Noah build a huge ark for his family and the animals. Then God made it rain forty days and forty nights. Afterwards, Noah sent a dove out from the ark in search of land. When it returned with an olive branch in its mouth, he knew that the water was disappearing and life could begin anew. God promised to never again destroy the world, and as a token of his good faith, he placed a rainbow in the sky. SAMSON and DELILAH Samson, a leader of the Israelites, was the strongest man in the world. However, if he cut his hair, his strength would be gone. The enemies of the Israelites paid Delilah, Samson's lover, to discover this hidden secret. Once he was weak, the seized Samson and forced him into chains. Eventually, as his hair grew back, his strength did as well. He sough revenge on his enemies by toppling the pillars of their greatest temple. When the temple collapsed, Samson along with his enemies died under the falling stones. TOWER of BABEL Because of their pride, a group of men and women decided to try to reach heaven itself by building a huge tower. To punish them, God arranged it so that each person spoke a different language, prohibiting any further work on the tower.