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Association of Jewish Libraries
South Florida Chapter

Meeting Minutes - November 30, 2000

Meeting held at Donna Klein Jewish Academy in Boca Raton (9701 Donna Klein Blvd.). Our hosts were chapter members Phyllis Gutmann and Kathleen Clotfelter.

In attendance were: Heidi Estrin, Phyllis Gutmann ( , Kathleen Clotfelter (, Sue Kirshner (, Harriet Tuch (, Jackie Fine (, Charles Meyers (, Simon A. Winner, Ida P. Cohen, Irene Levin Wixman (, Lee Wixman, Alice Warren, Shirley Wolfe (, Muriel Efron (, Inez Feingold (, Mary Ann Shapiro, Edith Scharf, Doris Goldstein, Elsie Leviton (, Andrea Kalish (, Schlomit Schwarzer (, Art Quinn (, and Etta D. Gold (

President Heidi Estrin called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm. Many new members were present and we went around the room to introduce ourselves.

Heidi began discussion on the first item of the Agenda -- The Jewish Lifestyle Show, Sunday, January 14th, 2001 at the Westin Fort Lauderdale (I-95 and Cypress Creek Road) – by asking the questions ‘What will be done at our booth? Who will work the booth? Do we want to sell or give away items?’ Lee Wixman reminded us that his line of work is Stagehand; therefore he should be called upon to set up the booth. Kathleen and Etta suggested giving away Best of the Bunch lists, Sydney Taylor Award seals and bookmarks. They promised to get a supply of the aforementioned from Linda Silver, chair of the Sydney Taylor Award committee. Schlomit suggested that we create our own bookmark, one that lists the members of our chapter plus member libraries. She will look into producing them. Heidi requested that those who are storytellers contact her so that they can be scheduled throughout the day. Also all volunteers to man the booth must contact Heidi with preferred times. Shirley offered to compile a list of recommended Jewish books for adults, as Kathleen and Etta will do for children.

Our special speaker, Linda Rollins of Capella Book Arts in Fort Lauderdale, delivered a fine program on "Book Preservation & Repair." Linda distributed several resource materials, a list of necessary tools for repairing books, catalogs, guides, etc. She demonstrated several repair techniques, all the while stressing the importance of using the correct materials. For example, she emphasized her preference for PVA over Elmer’s because of the chemical make-up, and advised us to use regular ace bandages for wrapping books. Her presentation was entertaining while enormously edifying.

Our regular meeting reconvened at 2:30 with Heidi’s update about our January 25th meeting. It appears that there are too many technical difficulties involved with joining our sister chapter on the west coast (Sarasota), so our next meeting will be at Heidi’s in Boca.

Heidi summarized our project of Book talking to the Public Libraries by distributing the list of books reviewed by Annette Goldsmith, Margot Berman, Etta Gold, and Heidi, herself.

Heidi reminded everyone about our web site ( with the meeting minutes posted. We had some discussion about future topics and decided that since our next meeting will be just after the children’s book awards are announced (Newbery, Caldecott, Sydney Taylor, etc.), that we should discuss award books in general.

The final item on our agenda was our Hanukkah Materials Roundtable. Heidi brought Runaway Latkes (Kimmelman), Etta -- Moishe’s Miracle (Melmed), JackieThe Chanukah Guest (Kimmel), PhyllisThe Flying Latke (Yorinks), KathleenOur Eight Nights of Hanukkah (Rosen). We continued to discuss appropriate and inappropriate holiday stories until adjournment at 3:15 pm.

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This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated December 10, 2000.