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Association of Jewish Libraries
34th Annual Convention
June 20-23, 1999

Boca Raton Resort & Club
Boca Raton, Florida

About AJL

Program Schedule





For More Information

The South Florida Chapter of the Association of Jewish Libraries is proud to host the 34th Annual Convention of AJL! Judaica librarians from around the globe will be converging on lovely Boca Raton to share information and exchange ideas.

Imagine a shuk, a marketplace, filled with ideas and packaged projects for your library -- a room full of librarians displaying, explaining, and sharing successful programs. And that's only the beginning!
SSC (Synagogue, School, and Community Centers Division) sessions are planned on the issues of bibliotherapy, current fiction on Israel and the Holocaust, using technology in Jewish educational settings, as well as the latest in Jewish folklore and the Great Books Foundation.
R&S (Research & Special Libraries Division) sessions will be held on the Jewish communities in Florida, Latin America, the Caribbean, and other exotic locations; Judaica in community colleges; Jewish American and Yiddish literature; and the Shoah. Many addresses and workshops will be given on rare Judaica books, digitization, curating library exhibits, building a new library around an old collection, the Library of Congress cataloging update, the NACO funnel project, and theology librarianship.

The convention will be held at the Boca Raton Resort & Club, a hotel known for its "Mediterranean ambiance and intriguing antiques." This magnificent resort is situated in Boca Raton, the fastest growing Jewish community in the U.S. at the heart of South Florida's Gold Coast in south Palm Beach County.

Take a look at the exciting convention program, print out a registration form, find out how to exhibit your wares, become a volunteer, or check out the gorgeous accommodations. Questions? Don't worry, just contact the convention committee for more information!

If you've got shpilkes and you just can't wait for the convention, visit these local hightlights to get in the mood!

This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated 3/9/1999.