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This is my first attempt at a web page.. so feel free to offer any suggestions
Hello, I am a 22 year old woman...on the net I go by the name of Ace. I have one child, named Michael, who is now three. We live in Deltona, Florida. We have two dogs (a springer spaniel and a corgi/chow mix) and a cat.

I have stayed at home with my son since his birth, but I hope to start culinary training in the winter. I love to bake, and hope to be able to do something in that field. I am also interested in working for a caterer. And of course certain friends and family members will benefit from my homework. However it has been hard to find a decent school around here. And i have heard that one culinary school doesn't really teach you anything, but instead you pay them to work in their restaurant.

I love to read..authors like John Sandford, and John Grisham. I love to listen to music, country is my favorite kind...singers like Bryan White, Garth Brooks, and Reba McEntire, and groups like Lonestar, Ricochet, and Alabama.

I love movies...especially old ones and musicals. My favorite current movie is "The Rainmaker", and I also liked "Armageddon".

I am also a big fan of Lucille Ball... I collect her movies, and shows, but I like the many books about her best. If you know of any sites I might be interested in please let me know. I have been looking for a place to listen to old radio shows using RealAudio. And i would love it if you would SIGN MY GUESTBOOK

This is my son Michael and our cat Felix last year
This is Michael on New Year's Day...he was two years old
This picture is of me in November
Have you ever wondered what message you are sending when you give someone flowers? Here is a list of some flowers and what they mean:
red roses..."I love you"
red carnations..."My heart longs for you"
gardenias..."I secretly love you"
primroses..."I can't live without you"
orange blossoms..."I want to be with you forever"
blue violets..."I will be true"
lillies of the valley..."You have made my life whole"
yellow roses..."I'm jealous"
pink carnations..."I'll never forget you"
purple hyacinths..."Please forgive me"
chrysanthemums..."You are a very good friend"
hydrangeas..."Thanks for understanding"
Whether you have children or pets, you care about their health. It is important to have a first aid kit, especially when you are traveling. Here are some things that should be included in any first-aid kit (an animal version is on the next page). It is not important what you put them in, as long as they are readily available, you could even use an old shoebox.
First Aid Kit for Kids
  • An expired phone or credit card to scrape out stingers
  • Anti-itch cream
  • Aloe vera
  • Eye Wash
  • Eye Patch
  • Antiseptic cloths to clean cuts
  • Band-aids of different sizes and design
  • Self-cling and regular ace bandages
  • Adhesive tape
  • Surgical scissors
  • Syrup of Ipecac (should only be used afer consultaion with Poison Control)
  • Children's ibuprofen and acetaminophen, liquid or chewable
  • Large square cloth that could be used for a sling
  • Calibrated measuring spoon to insure the correct dosage
  • Tweezers with built in magnifying glass
  • Tissues
  • List of emergency numbers (including your child's doctor and Poison Control)
  • First aid booklet

Please don't forget to look at the other two pages...They aren't much, but I would appreciate any suggestions...The links are at the bottom of the list below.

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My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WBS - The best Chat rooms on the net
Games, sound bites and activities from your kids favorite nick jr shows
Slang from around the country
The best place to download everything, including ICQ and Netscape
Test your IQ someone you care by sending a free electronic greeting
If you love Lucille Ball as much as I do, you could get lost here
Work from the comfort of your own home...and actually make money!!
Page 2...Animals
Page 3...Lucy
Michael's Blue's Clues Page
