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Welcome to Etisyai Ince's webspace!

Who am I???

My name is Etisyai Simone Ince. My birthday is 11 February. Therefore, I'm an aquarian.

Studies???? What Studies????

I am currently attending Royal Holloway, University of London, where I study BSc Mathematics. I am a first year undergraduate, in the process of my end of year exams.

Just for the fun of it .......

Just for the fun of it ...... I like to take photographs, do sport, go out ....the usual pastimes of the average young person. So I thought I'd show you some of the pictures that I have taken during my first year at Royal Holloway a.k.a. RHBNC.

Joanne, PJ and Me - On our way out of Egham World for the day

Joanne , PJ & Me

This picture was taken on the train during our first term at Royal Holloway.

Throughout the year, I took pictures at loads of events, but the first batch came from...

Martin's 20th birthday 'party'

At Martin's 20th birthday party

Martin , James , Tyrone , Ogechi

Natalie & ME

...where we ate ..................... and just had fun!

Tyrone Munching"It

Tyrone eating rice and peas ---------- **********************Group hug**********************

Then there were everyday pictures ..... like Joanne pretending to study ...

Joanne in my room, pretending to study!

Joanne Sylvester

The last event that I took pictures at was the ....

Rumble in the Jungle II

On our way to behave ...BASHMENT!

Hellen, Jo, Me & Nengi

Keepin' it real!

Nengi, Tanisa, Jo & Me

... "Music makes me high" ....

Another one of my favourite pastimes is listening to music. Although I like almost all types of music .. my favourite has gotta br rap. And anyone that already knows me has probably been asking themselves where all of the rap artists are @.........

Tupac Shakur "I feel like TQ tonight..."

*********** Tupac Shakur *********** ~ **************** TQ ****************

Internet - links, chat, etc..

Contact me at my hotmail address ......

And sign the guest book if youve got time!!