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Love Birds

These birds were found in the tropical parts of Africa
and on the island of Madagascar. Lovebirds got their
names because of their affectionate nature and from their
co-operative habit of preening each other. They have small,
stocky builds and are quite aggressive with other species,
yet highly compatible amoung themselves. In fact, two birds
of the same sex will often set up housekeeping. Few "pairs"
are actually male and female, even though the owners of these
birds are convinced that they have a true pair. Lovebirds are
delightful animals, whether kept in a roomy cage, a large aviary.
In the wild, lovebirds are lively fliers that cover long
distances on the wing every day and actively climb among the
branches of trees and shrubs. An understanding of lovebirds
behavior is an integral part of their care and management.

Some of the varieties are: Peachface, Black Masked, Yellow
Masked, Lutinos, Albinos, Fishchers, Blue Personata, Cherry face.

These birds are about 6 to 6 1/2 inches long. Weight about
45-60 gm. Life span about 10-14 years old.

BEST LOCATION-provide your lovebird with plenty of light and
fresh air whether, it is indoors or outside. Arrange it so
that they get morning sun in as much of their enclosure as
possible. Balance the need for fresh air with the need to
protect them from drafts. Lovebirds are accustomed to warm,
humid climates. However, lovebirds can acclimatize to
considerable cold and low humidity.

HOUSING REQUIREMENTS-Lovebirds are active birds that don't
belong in a small cage or aviary. This is why you are urged
to observe the minimum size listed for various enclosures.
Don't change the enclosure after you have set it up and
placed birds in it. This makes them uneasy. Take all possible
precautions against a cage tipping over, but place it at a high
level so birds can look down. Your lovebird needs to have
10 to 12 hours of rest.

PROPER DIET-birdseed mixtures for a parrot of which the
Lovebird is one. They are composed of varyine proportions of
kinds of millet and of canary grass. rape seed, buckwheat,
oats, black and white sunflower seeds, and wheat kernels. Lots
of vegetables for a well balanced diet. Nuts are important too.
Try some shelled and unshelled peanuts, shelled hazelnuts,
shelled and unshelled walnuts, brazil nuts, fresh acoms,
chestnuts, and horse chestnuts.

HELPFUL HINTS-Consider only dishes made of porcelain or
earthenware. Cheap plastic or wooden bowls are out, because
lovebirds are inveterate gnawers and will ruin these dishes
in no time. Get bowls up off the floor. They do not like to
eat at ground level. You can also cover the outside bottom part
of the bird's cage with screen wire as that will cut the mess
of the seeds down and the area stays cleaner.
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