Brief History of The Worldwide Pentecostal Church of Christ

The Worldwide Pentecostal Church of Christ, or WPCC, for short, was started by Rev. John E. Ayudtud, in March 13, 1984, along with a few band of ministers, in Caloocan City, in Metro Manila, Philippines.
It obtained the registration number from the SEC #121213. John E. Ayudtud, by the SEC policy, became the bishop.
John E. Ayudtud, who came to America in 1983, for the first time, decided to immigrate to the U.S. with his family. In August of l985 they left for New York.
The church in Malaya was left at the care of Rev. Armando Ocampo, a pastor that Bishop John won to the Lord and raised in the ministry, along with two preachers who would help him.
The WPCC organization was left at the charge of the Assistant Chairman Bishop Cesar de la Cruz.
John Ayudtud went around the United States to evangelize and was able to visit the Philippines as often as he could afford.
In July of 1989, Bishop John settled in Jersey City, New Jersey, to establish a church. By the help of Rev. Fernando Colon, a councilor in the city, he landed a job at the Hudson County Welfare, doing income-maintenance work.
This was the beginning of a "branch" of WPCC in the United States. The church began purely from the members of his family. Rev. Colon, who also was a pastor of a Hispanic congregation allowed them to use their building.
They formally launched their U.S. church in July of 1989, using the address of 449 Wayne Street, Jersey City.
Subsequently, the Worldwide Pentecostal Church of Christ was registered in the State of New Jersey in that same year.
In 1994 Bishop John resigned from his job to engage in full time ministry again. At this time the church was having an attendance of 40 to 50 people, and the giving was somehow enough to support his family. Ably assisted by his wife and children, she would oversee the services of the church while Bishop John began to travel again.
At present, WPCC has works in Alaska, in Seattle, in Alameda Bay, California, in San Jose, California, in Japan, in Australia, and in Jerusalem, its U.S. headquarters is in Staten Island, New York. In the Philippines WPCC has 57 churches.

Philippine headquarters:
104 Malaya St., Caloocan City,
Metro Manila, Philippines
Telephones: 287-7386; 287-7192

The Present Profile and Programs

Philippine headquarters:
WPCC 104 Malaya St., Caloocan City, Philippines
Rev. Ronnie B. Ayudtud
Telephone: 287-7386; 287-7192
Number of members: 600 people registered.
Status of building: fully paid
Number of Trustees: 11 ministers

U.S. Headquarters:
292 Vanduzer St., Staten Island, New York 10304
Rev. Lemuel Jones Ayudtud
Church location: 3980 Victory Blvd., Staten Island, NY 10314
Tel. 718-816-1966
Number of Members: 60 people registered.
Building: rented
Trustees: 7 ministers

School: WPCC Short Term Ministerial Studies
Address: 104 Malaya St., Caloocan City, Philippines
Students: 60
Faculty: 7
Status: On going

Church Planting

San Jose, California

Minister-in-charge: Min. Carl Calderon
Assistant: Rev. Manny Angeles
Adviser: Rev. Sam Medrano
Address: 1690 Marco Dr., San Jose, CA 95131
Telephone: 408-436-0252

Sydney, Australia

Minister-in-charge: Rev. Fernando Flores
Assistant: Rev. Frank Buhain
Adviser: Rev. Freddie Santos

15th Annual Convention:
Venue: Maypajo Public Market, Caloocan City

Minister-in-charge: Min. Raul Bong Lui
Assistant:Sis. Jocelyn Valdez
Dates: April 23-25, l999
Guest Speaker: Rev. Lemuel Jones Ayudtud
Overseas visitors inquiring for available cheap accommodations contact WPCC

Any questions, comments, and suggestions please email


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This page created February 24,1999