Greetings from the dark and bloody side of hell and the land of death and confusion!! The Vampiress Chronicle is a newletter i do... which is kinda like a zine but i call it newsletter cause it isnt as great as a zine. And this is the webpage version i have started. I am currently working on issue number #5 but for those who dont know about the newsletter you can check out all the other issues as well!! ENJOY!!

Also if you you would like any interview you can either click on the link that says questions and copy it and email it to me. Or just email me and tell me you want an interview or of course you can write me by postal mail at:

The Vampiress Chronicle
C/O Bloodlette
P.O. Box 716
Silver Spgs, FL 34489


Issue # 2

Issue # 3

Issue #4

Issue # 5

Write Brutal Shit Guestbook by GuestWorld Read Brutal Shit
