Leo McDermott's Homepage

Leo's Top 10 Movie List

Here are some links that will give you an Idea of who I am and what I like.

My X-Files Page
My Jaguar Page
My Life Story
My Fetishes (Adults ONLY)

Well, it's nice to be back up! This website has been in exsistence since around 1997. I wanted a place where people could go to find out more about me. Then, one day in 1999, the entire main page (The one you're reading right now, was wiped out. If you've ever put together a web page before, you KNOW how bad that sucks. Your links are gone and you have to reset everything. Anyway, I finally decided to get off my butt and bring it back up. I hope you like it.

Below is a link to one of the most useful websites I've come across. GASPRICEWATCH.COM is a site where you can go to find the cheapest gas in your area. With the cost of gas projected to hit $1.90 in MY area alone, I know that it could come of some use to you. Read up about it. You COULD become a "spotter" like me where I update prices for the area of Orlando I live in.

Find the lowest gas prices in your neighborhood!
Advanced Search

May 7, 2001 (11:02 EDT)
Just so you know, this website will probably be ALWAYS under construction seeing as how I'm a perfectionist, you can check back daily and I'm sure SOMETHING new will be added. Right now, I'm trying to fix the exsisting pages before I add anything else. Not to worry, soon enough, this website will be chock-full of everything you've ever wanted to know about me and the things that I like.

Wondering what I look like?
Below is a picture of me (right) and my friend Paul (Left, obviously) doing what we do best... Poker and Beer! Now, this picture is fairly old, so I look a little different these days. Picture me 25 lbs less and a little more tanned. That's ME!

Email: leoinlex@aol.com