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Tenantless And Bare

It's Come To This

Fuel: Kevin Miller(drums), Jeff Abercrombie(bass), Brett Scallions(vocals, guitar), Carl Bell(guitar)

Who's My Saving One....

An Inner Look At The Guys,

Brett Scallions

-The voice of Fuel. Brett is a incredibly passionate artist who is no where near weakening in his talent. The depth and energy that Scallions puts foward is awe-inspiring and fantastic to watch. Reaching chords of phenomenal proportions Brett is able to engulf the audience in his emotions and really let them feel the moment with him. Often being quoted as saying...He doesn't care where he plays, just put him on a stage anywhere...Brett only displays his eagerness to play and bring REAL music back to the world.

Carl Bell

-Carl Bell is truly the best songwriter and guitarist in music today. Bell has a talent to write and play that only a few are blessed with, and he is able to accept his talents with modest graditude and recognition. Seeing Bell perform live will not only make you admire him for his musical inclinations but also for his good-natured attitude. Bell seems genually interested in interacting with the fans and letting them get as much out of the performance as he himself...a rarity in music today...a performer who cares about the people who care about the music.

Jeff Abercrombie

-Jeff is the bassist for Fuel. Jeff's string-plucking abilities are more than impressive. He has a modest nature on stage, but is NOT afraid to feel the music and allow himself to be taken in by the whole concert experience. Abercrombie(wow, that's a name) is a gracous guitarist who is out to experience a good time and have fun making music that everyone can enjoy.

Kevin Miller

-The drummer, and as one of my good friends would put it...the body...yes, Kevin does have a very nice muscular stacture, but what is even more impressive about him is his gift of rythem. Miller is a performer who is honest in his playing and the the respect he has for the music. Keeping the beat for the songs is a tough job, but Miller has absolutely no problem keeping it all together, allowing every young person in the venue to pound their heads and bounce to the point of unconscious...what can you say...ya gotta love it.

Life Ain't Living Baby, Living Ain't Free

Band Bio

In the Beginning

Fuel's humble beginnings stem from Western Tennessee, where guitarist Carl Bell and Jeff Abercrombie decided music would be thier passion and career. Performing with various bands in thier southern setting, the sound Carl and Jeff were searching for wasn't found until they met a young man named Brett Scallions. Brett provided the guys with the voice and an added intensity which helped make the band solid and more well-defined in the music they were playing. Releasing the self-title Fuel cassette, which sold 5,000 copies; mainly at local stores and concerts the guys decided to uproot their eager minds and travel to an area where they would be within close contact to venues audiences, and hopefully get some media exposure......and so they choose Central Pennsylvania. In PA, Fuel began to form a very loyal and somewhat large fan following...With more confidence and experience under their wings the boys self produced, promoted, and financed an independant EP: Porcelian. Needless to say, the fans took well to the EP and it ended up selling 10,000 copies among the loyal concert goers. With popularity growing: more airplay, radio listeners requesting their music, and performing sold-out gigs, the guys got signed to 550 Music and released the college only promo Hazleton. This EP quickly became a favorite on CMJ charts and the boys were on their way once again; performing with old favorites like The Toadies, The Verve Pipe, and Dinosaur Jr.

What Next?

With fans going crazy over Fuel's rekindling of rock'n'roll, the boys released their major label debut LP with 550 Music: Sunburn. Produced by Steven Haigler, who also worked with bands like the Local H and The Pixies, the guys got to commune with nature, recording their masterpiece surrounded by farmland and peaceful tranquility, which is clearly underwritten in the creation of the music. Bell has expressed in the past that his writing is somewhat theorputic and a good way to deal with personal experiences and emotions, and perhaps that calming atmosphere helped in the development of those thoughts. Bell's statement is an honest interpretation of Fuel's music that anyone who listens could never disagree with. And so, with album completed and fans begging for more, Fuel is gaining experience and momentem every inch of the way in their musical endevours..touring, traveling, interacting with the fans; Carl, Brett, Jeff, and Kevin are fast becoming rock icons in the eyes of many music admirors.

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