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Hi Everybody. So this is our new club's homepage. It is called Teenz (Energetic, Excellent and Zany), otherwise known as TEENZ. So how's everybody doing? We're fine. What have you been doing lately?We're have been just writing to our e-pals and writing stories etc. So are the aussies enjoying their Summer Holidays? We are but we'll be glad to get back to skool coz it's soooo boring!! Elmo went back on January 29th and Kitty goes back on February 3rd. Oh, if you are a boy and you're visiting this homepage-then go away because this is GIRLZ ONLY club!! If you haven't already joined, just send us an email at: AND ! You may want to know a bitabout the club, eh?? Well, at the moment it has 8 members coz we've only just started it, there's a newsletter either every month, articles are due in on the 20th of each month (except February, they are due on the 18th then). There is no January newsletter because there is not enough members. TEENZ may be a little slow because of two prezidents. We have to send everything to eachother and discuss everything over the phone. Bye for now, Kitty and Elmo-prezes of TEENZ!


Our Fave Bands!!

Backstreet Boys
Savage Garden
Human Nature
No Mercy
