Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter

Kou Seiya is one of the members of the popular band the Three Lights. He along with Yaten and Taiki are known across the planet and are very popular idols in Japan.

The role of Kou Seiya is just a guise while he is on Earth. In reality he is a woman from the planet Kimoku. Seiya and the others are searching for their princess, Princess Kakyuu. They believe it would be better if they had taken on the guise of men and their most popular song has a subliminal message that is meant for Kakyuu. They search far across for her and end up in Tokyo and transfer to Usagi's highschool. They have to keep up the idol performance and that means that not only do they appear in concerts, but also in movies, TV shows, plays, commercials, etc.

As Sailor Star Fighter she had come across Galaxia before when the powerful senshi had destroyed their planet. She feels that her main mission is to seek out their princess. They did not seek out the help of the Sol senshi, although their paths continue to cross. Star Fighter has mixed feelings about working with them while the others believe they should keep their distance.

As Seiya he has a more outgoing personality than the others, and a bit of an ego. He told Usagi that girls like him because he is cool. He doesn't mind his fans and loves to get active in sports and joins the American style Football club.

He developes feelings for Usagi. At first it was because she did not reconize him or fall for him like other girls did and that seemed to intrigue him. He liked to tease her and call her Odango-atma. He and Usagi did go on a date where they went to a carnival, zoo, and to a dance club. When he heard Usagi's family would be out of town and she would be home alone he offered to keep her company and watch over her. This ended up to be a hilarious episode where Chibichibi throws cake at him and tries to take his towel after he finished showering. The Guardian senshi, Haruka, Michiru, the other lights and a Reporter came to Usagi's house as well as the enemy and made it difficult to find a private place to transform.

Complications to their relationship came when they discovered they were sailor soldiers. Uranus and Neptune wanted him to stay away from Usagi and Taiki and Yaten wanted Usagi to stay away from him.

After Chaos had been defeated and purged from Galaxia, The Starlights and their princess were able to return home. Star Fighter had to say farewell to Usagi, but she knew and understood that Usagi's true love was Mamoru.


Name: Kou Seiya

role in band: Lead vocals, keyboard, music composition, lyric writing.

Birthday: July 30

Star Sign: Leo

Colors: Black and blue

Favorite Food: Hamburgers

Best Subject: Physical Education

Worst Subject: Literature

Interests: Sports

High school club: American Football

Has trouble with: Girls
Senshi abilities

Fighter Star Power Make-up: Changes into Sailor Star Fighter.

Star Serious Laser: Shoots a powerful blast at the enemy.

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