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Snow Wolf's and Lulu's Den

Welcome to Our Web Page. We dedicate this Web Site to the Mother Goddess and to Great Spirit. We are two people who are dedicated to Love, Spirit and Service. We dedicate this page also to our Native American and Wiccan Brothers and Sisters, to Wolves and Endangered Species everywhere.

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Who We Are

We are two People who have joined together as Handfasted Mates/Partners/Split Aparts who see life as an opportunity for Love and Service. We are both committed to Lives of Love and Service and we are committed to the Great Mother Goddess and Great Spirit. We are still building this page, so please be patient with us. Lulu will be arriving in the States on Jan 22, a new country and a new life ahead of her, and Snow Wolf and Lulu will be Handfasted on the Leo Moon of January 31. After Lulu arrives here we will both work on this page together, so that this page reflects the partnership that is our life together. Blessed Be and Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.

To Learn A Little More About Us Individually, Go to Snow Wolf's and Lulu's Pages. THESE PAGES ARE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH US.

What This Den Is All About

Some Other Things Important To Us

This site is dedicated to many things. Not only Spirit and Walking in Truth, but also to to alert people to the plight of our Brother and Sister Wolves as they presently exist on this Earth. One of the most beautiful, strong, smart and social animals on this planet is being rapidly pushed to extinction. We must also do our part to put people on notice that this wonderful animal is in grave danger. We plan to add pages to our site that will give some history and present state of Friend Wolf.

This Site is also dedicated to The Tsalagi Nation, Earth Spirituality and about Walking the Good Red Road and living the Wiccan Rede. As Lulu and Snow Wolf build this site, we will be adding pages that inform and explore these Ways of Life and hopefully push back the walls of Ignorance that keep us all separated and disconnected with each other.

S & B Home page
Sisterhood and Brotherhood
of the Wolf

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Lulu and Snow Wolf.

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