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Welcome Losers to Skabby's Vieuphoria

My Favourite Kurt Cobain Pics and some kool places to go

kurt feeling blue
kurt in drag
my page dedicated to Kurt
a little bit about me
links to kool places
my chat room
empire records- for some reason i love this movie
A little bit about the band Teenage Angst
Indie Films- yeah they kick arse
stuff about my favourite writers

i love kurt Hello! welcome to my page. it sucks doesn't it. well i guess it would seeing as how i suck. well i guess i should introduce myself. i am Skabby Spice. the long lost spice girl who was banished he he he. i am 17 and madly in love with yep you guessed it Kurt Cobain. he he he i love you kurt. well if you want to know any thing else about me just e-mail me.
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