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CCA's Sailor Moon fanfic archive - Can you say 352 Sailor Moon Fan Fictions? I knew you could!! This is by far the best site to find Sailor Moon Fan Fiction, and hey (shameless plug) they even have some of mine!

Heavenshine's Library - Fan Art, Fan Fiction, Manga Art, and more! Heavenshrine's Library is more then just what the title implies. I have personally spent many hours looking at all of the wonderful Fan Art. A must see!

Gallery of the Silver Millenium - This is not your average image gallery, no sir! It has 1500 images of Usagi and Mamoru, and that is it! None of the other Senshi, just Usagi and Mamoru!! Feast apon manga, and anime pictures of the couple of the Millenium (literally!)..

Battle Zone - The original online SM fighting arena - This has got to be the most original Sailor Moon site on the web. It's got fictional fighting between all of the characters in Celebrity Deathmatch style! They've had fights with Hojo (FF7) & Tomoe, Leonardo DiCaprio & Tuxedo Kamen?! It's weird, wacky, and way way original! Hours of fun for a whole family of moonies!

E V O L U T I O N(anyone know the new URL?) - So you like Sailor Jupiter huh? And you haven't been to E V O L U T I O N? Well this site is just about bursting with info on our lighting throwing friend, and I'm not talking about lame basic bio stuff either! There are also extensive image galleries, multimedia files, and fan fictions! So go on over to Mako's house, cause she's got something BIG cooking for you!

Suburbs of the Silver Millenium - (grabs map) So what suburb are we going to visit today? (sprawls map out on the desk) oh my my my my... Dear God I've never seen so many choices!! Eck!! (stares at map) ummm Let's go to the editorials, no no let's go to the Mamoru Defense Force, um na how about the FanSub Guide!!! (grumbles) We spent that past two weeks there, we're in info overload from that section!! Well fine than, let's just go to the main page and stare at the kick'en graphics! Fine we will!! (slams fist into map.. ^_*) You coming or not?!

Bow to the Glaive - Sailor Saturn (at least to me) has got to be the least talked about senshi of them all. I rarely hear my friends (uuuuuh, you have friends?) talk about (even if you did, they talk about Sailor Moon?!) her, or even mention her name! Well BTTG has put away my lack of knowledge for good (hopefully forever) and has pumped me brain o' full of Saturnish info that will make me the envy of all otaku! So do what the title says, and BOW (not just kneeling, you BOW!!) to the Glaive (and ya better to cause that thing is shhhaarrrp!).

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