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Moon Circle - Clique, or just a group of united friends? - (Published January 00) Yes, I'm back, and I've brought an editorial with me. I thought the Sailormooon Net was dead, but boy was I wrong. Thanks to the Moon Circle, I wouldn't have written this editorial without you! ^_*

Busting The Busters - (Published September 99) Believe it or not this editorial is a long time coming. I've been atempting to write this since way back in May, but the Busters were doing pretty well then so I couldn't get the influence to do it. Well now the Busters seem to have become stagnant, so I've written an editorial about them.. Enjoy.. ^_^

Mislead by the masses - The truth behind Pluto Planet Power - (Published April 99) To be very honest with everyone I did not want to post this article because I feel that Mara has worked very hard on her site, and is worthy of the praise she receives for it. But what will be said must be said for I can no longer live the lie that Pluto Planet Power, is one of the best shrines on the net, cause it isn't even close.

Michiru & Harkua - Butt Naked!! - (Published April 99) My most elaborate title yet!! This editorial deals with a subject that I was bound to write on.. Do I really even have to mention it since most everyone already knows what I'm talking about? Ok ok, Michiru & Haruka are both (dramatic pause) butt naked!!

Shriners Halt!! - (Published April 99) This is the first of many editorials to come in the next week (you can thank me for taking the time during school to write these). This complaint is about what in my opinion is a growing number of "low quality" shrines. Shriners beware!

Population Explosion!! - (Published April 99) In the past week I've had more then 200 people visit my site in 1 week. That's compared to the normal of about 60 per week. This editorial really isn't a editorial, it's more of warning to people out there who wish that lots of people would visit their sites. You've been warned..

The Sailormoon Civil War - (Published February 99) This is my very first editorial (and the best one, IMHO), and it deals with the touchy subject of Elite vs. Newbies. I take no real side in this argument (I've been around enough to be considered Elite, but I prefer to be neutral), but in general I tend to lean a bit harshly on the Newbies.

To Dub or not to Dub - (Published February 99) Since writing this I have received 6 volumes of fansubbed Sailormoon S, and after viewing them I can no longer look at the NA version without cracking up at its sheer stupidity. This editorial deals obviously with the dubbing of Sailormoon S, which I personally feel should not happen!! Burn DiC, they're a bunch of heretics!! Burn them!!

Konichiwa! Say What?! - (Published March 99) What can I say? Well I can say a lot, and I can say it in English. In this editorial I delve into the world of to much Japanese. Not that there is anything really wrong with Japanese on a site, it's just when people take it for granted that everyone knows Japanese (I only know a few choice words, and about half of the katakana. Yeah me!)

Stop ummmmm.... Thief!!! - (Published March 99) This subject is really touch just like the Civil War subject. Some people are really touchy about images they scan in and edit, and they just get mad at people who "steal" them from their sites. Well with this editorial I hope to add some caffine to the pot o' coffee that's gonna wake up the world to the fact that, "When you scan an image that you yourself did not create it is not your image."

The Madness (A webmaster's Netory) - (Published March 99) This isn't really a editorial at all, it's just my Netory (my internet history). It covers everything from my intro to the net, right down to the creation of Sailormoon - Genesis, which is my magnum opus of webpage making. Enjoy ^_^

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