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1999 - 2000 Officers

Here's a run down of those under our directors who keep us in order. We love them all dearly (hehe). :)

Amanda Comer

Overall And Majorette Captain

Her favorite thing about guard is that "During the winter season you are allowed to be much closer to your audience. It's quite an adrenaline rush."

personal quote: "Work, work, work, and then when you are about to faint work some more."

years in guard: 4

Taryn Aiello

Flag Captain

Her favorite part about being in guard is "Working together as a team to accomplish a common goal and making friends and memories that will last a lifetime."

personal quote: "Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends in tears."

years in guard: 4

Michelle Nietubyc

Assistant Flag Captain

Her favorite part about guard is "the feeling that we are part of something special and of course the DANCE."

years in guard: 2

Deja Langworthy

Rifle Captain

years in guard: 4

Heather Fuller

Sabre Captain

Her favorite part about being in guard is "Being with friends and laughing at nearly everything on the trips."

personal quotes: "Colorguard, if you can't take it try Cheerleading" and " God always picks the most precious flower first"

years in guard: 4 "glorious years (GO SENIORS)"

Amanda Ames

1st Lt.

Shawna Wallace

1st Lt.

Becky Lovell

2nd Lt.