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Pics of Puerto Rico

Here are some Pics I took while in Puerto Rico. Hope you Enjoy. Drop me a Line with some of Your Pics and I will Post them On the Links Page of Members Fotos. Thanks And Have a Nice Day.
Click on the Image to see It in its Reqular View.
Hector Macho Camacho HomeHere is A Pic of Where Hector Macho Camachos Mother Lives.

Elmorro Pics Here Are Pics from The Elmorro.Road Pics from the Road on the Way to San Juan.
Playa De Guajataca Here is a pic of the Beach in Guajataca.
Plya De Cabo Rojo Here is a Pic of a Beach in Cabo Rojo.

If you have Some Pics Please Send them To Me with your Name, Email Address and Home Page URL if you have one. So I can Add them to My Members Page when I get it Up and Running. Thanks.

Email: EMAIL ME!

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