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What is your definition of love? What do you expect of your partner in a relationship, and what will you give in return?
Do you know how to recognize love and to accept it? And last question, how do you respond or express yourself to a person that says..."You don't love me"

To begin with, just a note to tell you that if you have any desire to interact with me on this site, you will find a boardroom about relationships right below, if you have missed it before:

For now lets move on to one of the most discussed matter in the healing classes: "Love and relationships"

Where to begin is not a problem, is just that there is many happy endings to the subjuect.


-"This person can be this way or that way, I will do nothing to change that"
This is what acceptance is like...unconditional love. Now how many of us live to this standars? To make a conscious choice of living in a relationship with acceptance, is, {for me at least} an everyday challenge of reminder and understanding that we do attract who is mirroring our existence. Therefore, if my belief is such that I know I attract the perfect, and yet not necessary ideal, partner, I can now see that my experience with this person is made of different dynamics than I first thought would be. It's either up to me to adapt myself, or to go against the flow, thinking I was unlucky, when in fact, fate {my higher self} brought me to this experience.

One of the major ingredients in any relationship is friendship. It is the foundation for lasting respect and admiration of one another. Because we know that a person can count on friendship, as it ought to be, when removed from an emotional context. Then, it becomes a healthy companionship, where one allows the other to confide without judgements.

Oh by the way...why don't you just go take a quick look to this might be something you want to use for your friends...It is a collage of two things some of sent me, and I added my flavor to it...just because I like all people that stop by to have quality as well!


But let's get back to love...Shall we?