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I want to say Thanks to...

~Thanks first must go to the reason for this website. Brian, Sweety, no matter what you think, you're a wonderful, beautiful man, with an endless vibrant soul. You move me...I love you dearly! (I hope the blanket keeps your heart warm!)

~Thank you always to my dear Cloey, for being a friend, and for all the help!

~To My Dear Grace. You are wonderful. Never give up. There is a beach, with horses and a certain man waiting for you to heal his soul. He loves you. Find him, and love him. {hugs}.

~Mom--I love you!

~Carole Sadler. Thank you for being with me through so very much. You have a wonderful family, and I'm greatful I was ever a part of it. I'm thankful we can keep in touch. I Love You Mum=)

Cindy- I'm so glad that we have become friends, you are one of the best people I know. You're extremely talented, and I love your page! Thank you for your creations, and for being so wonderful! Love You{hugs}.

~Lady Doucette-- oi oi oi!(hehe) Such a crazy one you are, but an angel, and I love you babe! it's all about you, don't you ever give up! I'm always here for you, remember that!

~Jenny...Thank you for always caring! You're a sweetheart, and I DO owe you the world!!(Give your mom a hug for me!)...Did someone say SWANS? Love ya!!

~Nic(AKA- Guinivere)...OPEN WIDE! hahaha. I'm so glad we found each other! You're a doll, and you know I love you to peices! I'm always here for you, don't ever give up baby! Love from your big bad sis!:) mwa!

~Viviana--Hon! It still amazes me that we met by accident! You're a doll, and I'm lucky to say I know you. I'm always here for you! REPRESENT CT BABY!!!

~Court- Hope you're having fun babe, and JC will realise he loves you when the time is right!:) Love Ya!{hugs}

~Robin--You've always been there for me, and I love you for that!

~Megan- We've gotten very close lately, I'm blessed to have such a friend. Thank you for being there and putting up with me all the time. I love ya{hugs}.


Maggie-- I miss you sweetie. Be careful, stay strong, and take care of that baby of yours. You know where I am if you need me. Love you.

~Adam--Thank you is all I can say from the bottom of my heart! You are an angel!

~Pauly--Never have I seen such a talented, sexy drummer! Thank you for your time at the HOB show with Steve. Rock on sweetie.

~Rob--To say you're a brilliant writer would be an understatement! I hold the utmost respect and love for you.

~Kyle--You're amazing and so charming. Thank you so much for your time and caring in Tampa, always much appariciated.

~My eternal thanks and love to Brian Yale, Adam Gaynor, Paul Doucette, Rob Thomas, and Kyle Cook, for being who they are, and letting us enjoy who they are as well.~

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