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Welcome to my Haven!

Welcome to my Haven!


Hey all! I know I know.. it's been wayyyyy tooo long since I've updated.. so here it is! live! Please check the bottom links.. ::grins:: you might be surprised at what you find!

First off, My alias in The Haunted House chats is (V)짧 Çä†å£ïñà™. The Haunted House is the first place I learned how to chat. Many know me by my real name Tracy, and for all you Aolers out there, you know me more as TracyLynnn. I got my (V)짧 Çä†å£ïñà alias from a friend after I made the impulse-mistake of dying my blonde hair red. This friend told me that I resembled the salad dressing. (I took it as a compliment) What can I say? Blond went red.. it's artificial But that's where I got my name, not from the Catalina Islands. Althought my hair is no longer red, I still use this name in some of my chats.

Well, thank you for coming to visit me. I am glad you did.You may want to check out some of the pages below.. *S* all of them are full of special people... I also have a page of memories.. for those who know me best.. and my bumper snickers, my quotes, and COMING SOON, my JOKES page! PLEASE! ( no. I'm NOT begging) PLEASE! SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Drop me a line and tell me what you think of my page if you would. I love getting e-mail. I am often found in the TC or the Basement, so if you go and I'm there say hi. For all of you Aol-ers on here I am TracyLynnn. (Psst.. look me up.. I don't bite... much) I'd be happy to talk to anyone who has any suggestions or creative criticism for my page. Thanks! See you then.

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Hopelessly Romantic (aol aka HR)
Dear friends of Catalina
The Torture Chamber.. the Original Party Room
Rattt's Homepage
Minerva's homepage
Lady Aurora's Wiccan Website
SoulBlade's homepage
*sniff* My Memories shared with old friends
My Poetry..for the serious of mind..
My Many Thank Yous.. to all who deserve it *smiles*
A Little background Info on the Author of this page
My Favorite Bumper Snickers
