[ t h e - s o u n d t r a c k ]

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1. Squirtgun - Social (Opening Theme Song)


1. Love and Sharks (dialog)
2. Bush - Bubbles
3. Weezer - Susanne
4. Freeing One's Mind (dialog)
5. Sponge - Seventeen
6. Kryptonite Condom (dialog)
7. Elastica - Line Up
8. Mission Impossible #1 (dialog)
9. Wax - Mallrats
10. Taken With a Grain of Salt (dialog)
11. Belly - Broken
12. Girls Against Boys - Cruise Your New Baby Fly Self
13. A Very Uncomfortable Place (dialog)
14. All - Guilty
15. That Ski Trip (dialog)
16. Archers of Loaf - Web in Front
17. Thrush Hermit - Hated It
18. Post Coital Techno Boogie (dialog)
19. The Goops - Build Me Up Buttercup
20. Cousin Walter (dialog)
21.Squirtgun - Social
22. Mission Impossible #2 (dialog)
23. Sublime - Smoke Two Joints
24. Silverchair - Stoned
25. Last Words (dialog)