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cannabis sativa, a plant, from which flower buds are removed, and smoked, whether itbe in a handpipe, bong, rolled in a cigarette wrapper, or rolled in a cigar skin. Also consumed orally. Sometimes used in vaporizers.

    Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana?
    A. No; not one single case, not ever. THC is one of the few chemicals for
       which there is no known toxic amount [10]. The federal agency NIDA says
       that autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana
       when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a
       factor in their deaths. The chart below compares the number of deaths
       attributable to selected substances in a typical year:
       Tobacco...............................340,000 - 395,000
       Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents).............125,000+
       Drug Overdose (prescription)............24,000 - 27,000
       Drug Overdose (illegal)...................3,800 - 5,200
       *Source: U.S. Government Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1987

Some ineresting facts about marijuana.
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