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You enter the weaponsmith's shop, and are imediatly greeted by the smell of hot metal. In the corner, pounding on what looks to be a sword of some type, is a rather bulky looking man. Seeing you enter, he sets down the hammer and sword that he was working on to come and greet you. He is covered in dust and grime from the work that he does. He chearfully greets you and asks what he can do for you. He immediatly points out that he has the folowing weapons here in his little shop:

Small daggers
Short swords
Regular swords
Axes of all sizes
and of course...
He smiles and says that he doesn't have a real price for all of the items he has, mainly because that every weapon is different, sometimes he'll make a weapon that is better quality than others, therefore the prices vary...He excuses himself and says that he really must get back to the current sword that he was working on before, for it it difficult to make a good quality sword if it gets cold.
Leave the shop and head back to the town square...