Cow facts and trivia ...     Some interesting tidbits of bovine information that is "udderly" fun to know. Milk them for all their worth.

Cow facts

  • There are an estimated 920 different breeds of cows in the world
  • Cows came to America with Christopher Columbus
  • People first domesticated cows about 5000 years ago
  • The Holstein produces the most milk of all breeds
  • Cows spend 6 hours a day eating and 8 hours chewing cud
  • A dairy cow can produce 5 gallons of ice cream a day
  • Cows can live 25 years if people would let them
  • The city of Boston was laid out by cow paths
  • In an average herd, there is 1 bull to every 30 cows
  • A cow stands up and sits down about 14 times a day
  • The average dairy cow produces about 10 gallons of milk a day
  • A cow drinks about 30 gallons of water per day
  • Cows can detect odors up to five miles away
  • The age of a cow can be determined by counting the rings on its horns
  • Old cows in India have their own nursing homes
  • Cows can see color
  • Wisconsin has the most dairy cows, Texas the most beef cows
  • There are approximately 350 "squirts" in a gallon of milk