Chinese fortune cookies ...     Sometimes you may get a fortune cookie that may say one of the following passages that may shock you. Here's some examples ...

Funny fortune cookies ...

"That wasn't chicken you just ate"

"You are a poor, pathetic, gullible fool who seeks advice from bakery products"

"If you ordered the number 6 you will have much gas today"

"Help, I'm being held hostage in the kitchen food pantry"

"Chinese proverb still say you very ugly"

"For Rickshaw ride around town just ask for Mr. Hio Wong outside restaurant"

"We hope the dog in the Wok was prepared to your satisfaction"

"Bruce Lee like cook kick your butt if you don't pay bill and leave big tip"

"Fooled you! You probably really thought "flied lice" was just a funny twist of words.

"Cook like when you ask about his big egg roll"

"What hard to understand waiter really try to say was your wife has face like pig"

"All road kill brought in fresh every morning"

"Sorry we give you wrong order but all tastes like chicken anyway"