Animal groups ...     Finally, a complete and accurate grouping list that characterizes animals into their proper group names.   These are authentic and actual names that are humorous and fun to know.   Maybe it's useless trivia but there is always a possibility one of these might appear as a game show question someday.

Animal groups

Army of ants, frogs
Aerie of eagles, hawks
Band of gorillas
Bale of turtles
Barren of mules
Bed of clams,oysters
Bevy of quail, swans
Bouquet of pheasants
Building of rooks
Brace of ducks
Brood of chicks
Cast of hawks
Cete of badgers
Charm of goldfinches
Chattering of choughs
Cloud of gnats
Clowder/Clutter of cats, kittens
Colony of ants, bats
Company of parrots
Congregation of plovers, alligators
Convocation of eagles
Coterie of prairie dogs
Covey of quail, partridge, grouse
Crash of rhinoceri
Cry of hounds
Down of hares
Drift of swine, hogs
Dray of squirrels
Drove of cattle, sheep
Dule of Doves
Exhaltation of larks
Fall of woodcocks
Flight of birds
Flock of sheep, geese
Gaggle of geese
Gam of whales
Gang of elks
Grist of bees
Herd of elephants, antelope
Horde of gnats
Horde of hamsters, gerbils
Host of sparrows
Husk of hares
Kindle or Kendle of kittens
Knot of toads
Leap of leopards
Leash of greyhounds, foxes
Litter of pigs, puppies or cats
Mob of kangaroos
Murder of crows
Murmuration of starlings
Muster of peacocks, storks
Mute of hounds
Nest of vipers,rabbits
Nest, Nide of pheasants
Nursery of raccoon
Paddling of ducks
Pack of hounds, wolves
Pair of horses
Passel of possum
Plague of locusts
Pod of whales, seals
Parliament of owls
Pride of lions
Rafter of turkey
School of fish
Sedge or Siege of cranes, bittern
Shoal of fish, pilchards
Skein of geese, wildfowl
Skulk of foxes
Singular of boars
Sleuth of bears
Sounder of boars, swines
Span of mules
Shrewdness of apes
Smack of jellyfish
Sord of mallards
Spring of teals
Swarm of bees
Surfeit of skunks
Team of ducks, horses
Tower of giraffes
Tidings of magpies
Tribe or Trip of goats
Troop of kangaroos, monkeys
Volery of birds
Warren of wombats
Watch of nightingales
Wisp of snipes
Wedge of swans
Wing of plovers
Yoke of oxen