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It's a Family Thing

Hi! Welcome to my web page.This is my first page,I'm still learning. I'm always changing things. I get bored easily LOL :) Please read about my family. Now you can see my wonderful family, I have added some pics on here. I will update often so be sure to bookmark us, so you can come back again. Please sign my guest book and leave your page address so I can meet you and your Family. Enjoy.

Favorite Links

Join Sandy's Home Page My Bestfriends Page Destini's Palace Bluemountain greeting Cards Get free MONEY for nothing!! You have to check this out!!! Ebay a great auction site Jacksonville Jaguars
Mark Brunell Fan Club

Elysium Adoption Agency

In loving Memory Of Baby Whitehead

Adopt An Angel

A reminder to be thankful for all the "Angels"
in our lives and to do our best to be an
"Angel" in someone else's.

(c)Angel graphic by Kitty Roach Used with permission.
(c)Angel` - Elysium Adoption Agency

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           GuestWorld View My Guestbook


This page was updated on June,04, 2000