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Dimagi Photography



Welcome to Dimagi Photography

I specialize in:

Pet photography and natural candid style photography.


Pet photography.











Capture a beautiful day together! Or your first puppy!


Fun days out




I also focus on capturing genuine emotions

  These are what the best memories are made of



A special moment with grandma Expressions that tell a story



Portraits at home




And don't forget your own special outings!


Water photos like these are not taken in the water, but I'll set up on land for you as you come by!



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If you would like to see more of my photography, I have placed many on

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Sometimes I will take photos of people, and/or their pets in public areas.


If I have taken photos in this manner, and have given you a card, please look below for you're name. If you're name is there, you're photos are up and ready for you to look at. Click on you're name to send me an email if you'd like to see them. To protect you're privacy, please make sure you include your password.

  Dog Park:   Playground:   Other  
        Storey   Miller    
  Photography by Appointment:  

If you would like  to make an appointment, or have other questions, please contact me by using one of the links below:

Photo information Make a Photo Appointment Other questions
    Basic information:    

When it comes to pet photography, let's face it, you are needed most of all. You will be needed to help keep them focused on you or other thing's instead of the camera. Also  please keep in mind, you are the best one to know whether or not you're pet will take well to the camera.

Cats   Dogs   Pet Special Outings

Cat's can be very hard to photograph. The biggest issues are their attitudes. Cats need to feel safe, and plucking them away from their comfortable homes only leads to unhappy kitties, and poor photos. So for most kitty photo shoots, they are done in their own homes. Please contact me for more details about you're kitty's needs.

  Most dogs are usually pretty easy going and can be photographed in many places. So depending on where you want to be is you're choice. Parks, lakes or you're own home are all just fine. What ever makes you're dog happiest and will help bring out the very best in you're pup.   Special days like training day's, or group outings with other dogs, are just a few of the wonderful adventures you can have with your dog. With these outings, you just spend time with your pet as if I wasn't there. Here is where you want to see them truly enjoying their day. You can be a part of the photo just as much as you're pup to help tell the story of your pet's special day.


Though I will do portraits, I specialize in the more candid style of photography. The reason I do, is that the more candid they are, the more at ease people are, and their true personality can shine through.  
Parties Portraits or special occasions Outings
When it comes to parties, let's face it, you worked hard to create the perfect party, and should be right there with them to share the memories, not hidden behind the eye of a camera. People pay for clowns, ponies, DJs and many other things, but it's the photos that help make the memories last!   I am not one of the pricey wedding photographers, that take those dreamy posed shots. But I specialize in capturing genuine emotions and memories. Especially pre-wedding shots of getting ready, and the receptions.   Have you ever done something special, then realized there was no camera around to document that wonderful time? Have you ever gone out with friends and there was always that one person left out of the shots because they were taking the photo? Ever wanted to feel famous? With your own photographer following you around like a paparazzi? Make people wonder who the heck you are?

*Water shots are from the bank, set up as you pass by, to insure the best photos and the safety of photographer and equipment.

    I also create DVDs!    

Do you have tons of photos already, just sitting there on your computer, but no one sees them? Why not have a DVD made for you? And not just a bunch of photos thrown together, but instead, something that will help tell your story, something that makes it enjoyable for all? Have a DVD made for you the way YOU want it done. One you and your friends will want to see over and over!

Weekdays: Weekends: Extras:
Normal session: $100   Normal session: $150  

Slide show on DVD:

This includes 1-2 hour photo session This includes 1-2 hour photo session Photo's Only: $50
All photos on CD All photos on CD
10 special, enhanced photos from Dimagi digital darkroom.   10 enhanced photos from Dimagi digital darkroom.   You're photos set to music: $60
        *For legal reasons, you must provide the music you want to use.
Memory stick $10 extra   Memory stick $10 extra    
        Themes or special requests, prices will vary depending on the complexity.






Links to other sites with my photography:


Everglades National Park, Shark Valley

Everglades National Park, Photographic Tour



