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Florida Boyz© Site-Fights

The Sight-Fights are going to go as follows.
You will Choose your teams either,
Kevin's Kickerz
Howie's Heroz
Brian's Babiez
A.J.'s Angelz
Nick's Nackz
Each team will have a min of 10 people and up to 20. The contest runs this way. Each site will be rated for an individual award. The team that recives the MOST Votes for sites then everyone on that team will recive a special TEAM award. The Contest will begin as you sign up. The group contest how ever will start when the minnimum of players sign up.
The requirements to qualify for entry on the individual level are.
Must be apealing to the eyes (lots of pictures
Can not have more then 2 underconstruction signs or areas
Has to be updated at least one month prior to you entering. (None ot this not updated since before the 'Millenium' stuff k)
And you must display the sight fight banner for your team and link it to where you are instructed so people may vote for your site.
As for team rules there really aren't any just the same as above. But since your going to be judged as a team you might want to boost some moral in your team to work on thier page.
Each time someone signs on to your team I will mail you a notification with a link so you can see other sites in your team only! If you want to see other teams sites you will need to come here and look up the list for that team.
It may sound confusing but its really easy. When you Click on a boy to join his team you will recive you HTML code to set up your banner and link back to my site.
You wont even have to DL or UL anything to your site. U only add a simple banner.
Please tell all your friends that have sites to sign up. Fill your teams out.
One more thing Please don't vote 50,000 times for your site if it looks like your cheating I will not hesitate to throw you off the team.
Now one of these fine fellas is waiting for you to join his team in kicking some butt! Simply click on that sweet face of the boys team you want to join and copy paste all the information you need as well as fill out your entry form!

A lil hint if the lil hand doesnt pop up in the face move it slightly till the name of the team you want shows up.