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this will not work I just like the look of it.. i think i am the bomb... do you like it?? ... :P

well i am back and i think that i want to have some change here on my little web page taht i have had for a long time . im doing this from werk so there will probly be only little changes . as i am a little rusty on my HTML codeing . hehehe . it has been a while since i have done it the "old" way .. :P so watch for the changes . darren

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Hi and welcome to my web page( Please feel free to roam around and see what you want .. i have some links but not too many for I have not got around to getting them all in order and gathered together .. any how this is a bit different from when you saw it before (that is if you have been here before).. any how feel free to look at everything you want..

Darren ..

time passes

and passes

and passes untill i come back and change some things here and there ..

so i have ventued out of my house and went to the next biggest city to me which is Nanaimo on vancouver island in BC.. i went there and had so much fun and i have decided that it is time to bye a car so i can go there more often ... so tell me which kinda car i should get .. i have an addres book so leave a message for me .. andy how i will change some more in a while i have to go and get some pics i like .. and stuff like that so i will see you all later and there will be time that passes but i will be back sooner than the last time .. well have fun at my site .. kiss kiss .....

IF there is one thing i HATE it is when people send you there web page and say my pic is there, But when you get there you have too search for it because it is in the wright-up up of all the shit they want too talk bought .. for example (my pic) and sometimes it is even smaller. I hate that so i will let you see where it is ..
so go and see me .. :P

well look at this this is the NEWEST part of my page .


and then there is my links please go and see them they are mostly family but some are not..


well i guess it is time to give creadit where cedit is due and i wil have to start at the top.. i thank my MOM for giving birth to me. To my sister Tasha (she is SO beutiful); brouthers Kevin and Darrell I love and Miss you all.. I thank my aunty Bub, Patsy, and Mackie for all there understanding and love.. I thank my cousin Darce, Mandy, Geannie for being there for me ..
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02/14/99 12:25 PM