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The Night the World Stood Still
Did they really have to die? Imagining the sound of there desperate cries The water so cold, men trying to stay bold Ignoring the many warnings would result in many mournings If they had have listened,the iceberg that glistened would not have hit the glorious ship. Many a body frozen and floating who had been waiting for help to come. They couldn't wait any longer as their bodies went numb. Life boats not quite full wouldn't go back to save the rest ,watching them struggle to live in their life vests. As time passed their bodies froze, they would never get to tell their horror story. Their frozen faces looked so gory. Say a prayer for those who died,if you saw the movie you might have cried. They didn't deserve to die, up to heaven the souls will fly. If you look up in the sky at night each star resembles a passenger of that ship who put of a fight to live and lost. Many died, few did live So don't take life for granted live every moment as your last. Don't regret you past or life is yours to miss. By Jennifer Caroline Send a Card View a Card
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