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ISO 9200

Chapter 1


Ms. Sundstrom



This is all that remains of the information regarding ISOS 92000 Eternity project. The following data and notes were collected from the data that was forwarded to the Interstellar Research University for acceptance into the program for understudies. A collection of interstellar communications have also been collected to discover the exact nature of the insufficiencies in research progress. As the research project was terminated a much of the research data was lost. That which has been found to be the best data for information has been included in this report. Eternity Project has been canceled until an acceptable planet can be found for continued research and development in this area. ISOS 9200 Mandate


Ambers Eternal Life Research Lab Notes

(The Interstellar Organization Research Group had decided to do a study on a group of cancer cells that we had found lived forever and how they could affect the life span of a living organism if parts were combined with ova and sperm. It had been found in previous studies that sperm viability was decreased to the extent that we concentrated on the ova.)

This was a great student project for us. To be training on a new research planet with some of the greatest geneticists and researchers that had ever existed in all the Universe. We had all written papers about why we wanted to study at the Interstellar Organizations selected research planet ISOS 9-2000. It was an opportunity of a life time and I made sure I got all the help from everyone I could to win the competition and I did as a precollege highschool graduate. I am ever so glad I took all those extra curricular studies during school breaks and after school. It was worth giving up 3-d television in the evening. I am not sure if giving up Joel Winston was worth it but I guess if he really cared he would have stayed around for me and been good for my learning instead of interfering all the time.

Group Research Data Day One: Eternal Life Cancer Cell Recombination with Ova

1. Ova after recombination with eternal life cancer cells are still intact and seem viable.

2. Placed in holding until fertilization is attempted.

Group Research Data Day Two: Eternal Life Cancer Cell Ova Fertilization

1. Ova and sperm are placed in test tubes together.

2. Under microscopic examination several ova have been found to be fertilized and viable.

3. Placement in holding chambers for observation until an appropriate lab specimen is selected.

Group Research Data Day Three:

Eternal Life Cancer Cell Fertilized Ova Placement in Female Laboratory Mice

1. Several ova have been found to be no longer viable after microscopic analysis.

2. The few remaining viable fertilized ova will be placed in the selected female laboratory mice.

3. The mice have been anethesized.

4. The female mice are injected one at a time.

(As it is not safe to be in with new organisms without prior training and experience we all watched from the observation chambers and looked on through the 3-D television sets as they placed the ova in the mice. As the mice are really small it was difficult to see what was going on without looking at the 3-D television and often what the doctors were doing obscured the view. If there had not been many visualizes we would have missed all of it and replay helped us see the exact details. It looked to me as if they just injected the ova into the womb of the mouse one at a time. Need to remember to ask questions later as to the exact procedure or get doctors notes on the procedure.)

Note: Remember to rewrite this on the voice data print out so it looks neat and remove personal notes.

Alex’s Eternal Life Research Lab Notes

Rewrite on voice note data recall neatly and concisely....

Group Research Data Day Four:

1. Of the six female mice who were impregnated with eternal life cancer cells fertilized ova four were found to be living. The sixth female was found dead in the cage where they had been all placed accidentally together by the lab assistant. The remaining four which were shown to be slightly damaged from obviously aggressive behavior have been place in separate cages.

2. The Female mice were all ready showing increased appetites as all the food was consumed in the cage and the sixth mouse had been partially consumed.

3. The mice are healthy and doing well.

Group Research Data Day Five:

1. The mice seem to be doing fine.

2. Their gestation period seems to be somewhat accelerated.

3. They have all developed voracious appetites.

Group Research Data Day Six:

1. The mice seem to be at week two for gestation or the unborn mice are simply very large in size or splitting into twins instead of the just one ova that was originally placed in the female mice.

2. They will be using millimeter wave to check the of development of the fetal mice.

Group Research Data Day Seven:

1. We have been watching on the 3-D screen the millimeter analysis of the pregnant mice wombs for quite some time today. They have to be careful so as not to affect the development.

2. It seems that each mouse’s fetal development is different.

A. Mouse one has more than one fetus developing.

B. Mouse two has an enlarged older developing fetus.

C. Mouse three has some sort of growth inside its womb that does not represent anything living.

D. Mouse four is just gaining weight and the fetus is developing normally.

E. Mouse five seems to be developing normally one healthy fetus.

Group Research Data Day Eight:

1. Mouse three has some sort of growth on it now. Looks tumors.

2. The other four mice seem to be fine and healthy, developing normally along their line of development.

Group Research Data Day Nine:

1. Mice seem to be developing fine.

Group Research Data Day Ten:

1. Mouse one is carrying five healthy fetuses.

2. Mouse two has given birth to a healthy baby mouse.

3. Mouse three is getting very sick.

4. Mouse four seems to be growing larger along with the developing fetus.

5. Mouse five is developing normally but has an increased appetite.

Group Research Data Day Eleven:

1. Mouse two baby is showing rapid growth it is being placed in a separate area but is no longer being considered for research as it seems to be showing accelerated aging of the mother also.

2. Mouse one is carrying five healthy fetal mice which are developing normally.

3. Mouse three seems to have been consumed by some sort of large tumorous mass and is barely living. It will be disposed of and cremated today.

4. Mouse four is the size of a small fruit rat now and the fetus is a proportional size.

5. Mouse five is developing a completely normal fetus but has a very increased appetite.

Angela’s Eternal Life Research Lab Notes

Group Research Data Day Twelve:

1. Mouse four has been eliminated from the study as an increase in size is not the objective for the project.

2. Mouse one and mouse five are developing in a normal manner and at a normal rate.

3. A lab assistant was not very careful in handling mouse five and was bitten. The lab assistant fortunately had double gloved and the skin was not broken. Caution in handling the mice has been increased. They have ordered in special gloves that are stronger but can be worked in and still retain sensitivity for handling. The mice will be anethesized prior to handling as a precaution in the future.

Group Research Data Day Thirteen:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.


Group Research Data Day Fourteen:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.

Group Research Data Week Three:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.

Group Research Data Week Four:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.

Group Research Data Day Five:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.

Group Research Data Day Six: Seven: Eight: Nine:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.

Group Research Data Week Ten Day One:

1. Lab mouse five has given birth to one normal and healthy mouse.

2. Lab mouse one has given birth to five healthy normal mice.

Group Research Data Week Ten Day Two:

1. Normal development with increased appetites on the part of the mice.


Group Research Data Week Ten Day Three:

1. Mouse one was caught eating one of its babies. The others were removed and are being fed by the lab assistants.

2. Mouse five is doing well and taking good care of its baby.

Group Research Data Week Ten Day Four:

1. All the babies are growing well and developing normally.

2. The second mother is showing extreme protectiveness of its baby so it was decided to just increase the food and not remove the baby as it will develop more normally.


Group Research Data Week Ten Day Five:

1. The four remaining babies have been showing some hostility to each other such that they were separated. It is not abnormal for mice in captivity in confined spaces to show antisocial mouse behaviors as they tend to be territorial in the wild. The researchers hope this does not interfere in their normal development and have taken extreme care to keep the baby mice warm and well fed. The babies are eating an increased amount of substitute mouse milk but are growing at a normal rate of development.

2. Mouse five is doing well and both are behaving normally and developing normally.

Group Research Data Week Ten Day Six: Seven:

1. Mouse five escaped with the baby but was found safe. It seems someone had forgotten to secure the cage.

2. Mouse one babies are developing normally.

My Dearest Julie,

I have been so ecstatic to be involved in the Eternity Project. Even though we all know it is not really that likely to succeed if we can find a way to lengthen the life span of humans by this study we will be able to travel further in a life time into space without requiring the unsafe practice of decreasing the rate of body functions such as simulates hibernation in animals. I have missed you dreadfully the two and a half months it took to travel to this planet even at the accelerated rate at which we travel in space today. It is so difficult without specialized training this days to get a decent job as a researcher as so many people have been trained in it in the past when it was under supplied and now there is a glut. This specialized training will give me an advantage when I return home and we will be able to afford to collect a space on a habitable planet in one of the newer solar systems.

The project is going well but as early as it is there is not much to be shown to prove or disprove the theory of Dr. Tate as of yet.

Well I cannot write much more as it will eat up my allotted communications that need to be used for sending in my reports. We have all been given sections to send in ASAP and mine is next....

xoxoxo Avery

Dear Mom,

I wish I could come home the mice have been showing very aggressive abnormal behavior from the start and no one will listen to me. I do not think this is a good project for me to be on. I am dreadfully homesick and miss everyone. I don’t like the classes anymore or the smell of the laboratories. I think when I get home I will go to school to be a teacher. The doctors will not listen to anyone and have their minds set that this project will work and there are things happening that are abnormal. In all the time I raised mice I have not seen even baby mice behaving so aggressively. It might just be that the cramped quarters are getting to me because I am just so homesick. Tell Jimmy I love and miss him and to do well in baseball and school. Tell Dad I miss and love him too. I wish I had stayed home.

Luv Bethany


Hey Chad we be doing good up is so cool without any atmosphere it is really great at night. You can look out the window and see so far up into the clouds to interfere..and when I get to the observatory I can see so much. I wish I had the weight to bring my manuals so I could study the stars up here...Download time is so slow and expensive...miss all the guys back how’s the competition going...Your Brother Bobbie

PS the project is so totally dull and slow...but it will help me get into med school with a scholarship...see ya next year sometime!

Hey Mom and Dad...thanks for the help from all your friends to get into this program...the space flight was just too cool...the food is a bit dry but other than that it is OK here...and there are some fine babes here...The project seems to be doing far...the lab people keep handling the mice incorrectly and they keep getting bit but other than that it is just a typical experiment that is probably not going to show up anything significant until they manipulate the you all know got to play the game to stay in the game so I write down what they tell us to and copy their totally off tables based on statistics which do not represent anything but inanimate objects and not living dad taught me with the ant statistics as to movement in a box and since they are blind they only follow their scent around the box which negates statistics totally.

Oh here is for baby brother a poem:

Elephant Poetry

(Act out the poem as you read it)

Stamp Stamp Stamp Stamp (feet)

Champ Chomp Chomp Chomp (mouth)

Swish Swish Swish Swish (swing tail area)

Flap Flap Flap Flap (pretend to flap ears)

Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet

(pretend to have a trunk and trumpet the words)

You can add to this or repeat as you choose...See anyone can do poetry if an elephant can do poetry. So tell baby brother he should be able to do poetry for class if an elephant can.

Brenden Always!


A Forwarded Note to the ISO University From Dr. Crosby:

Though I felt it was not a good idea to have students involved in a project. But they seem to be working out well and learning techniques well. The project so far has only shown some aberrant growths and developmental behaviors which are common in inbred laboratory mice. I do so wish it was allowed for us to use more typical type mice who are less prone to aberrant patterns and sensitivities.

I still would prefer to study populations that have all ready shown increased life spans in their populations in regards to animals and humans in future studies. I am sure that the genetic evolution information and nutritional acquisition/diets of long life species along with behaviors would be much more relevant to eternity studies in the future rather than manipulation of genetics. It is my sincerest hope that in the future my previous research will be considered in regards to future Eternity Studies.

The students will be submitting their notes as time permits to the main frame via interstellar communications to the University to be finished for a final research paper submission.


HI George...this is just a brief hand written digitized note...isn’t it just the ultimate that we get to use this equipment...never in college only the slimmest of budgets there...I guess it is related to time sequence and publishing rights...I am not sure...We will be coming home pretty soon..I have most of my notes in the electronic notebook from class. I am waiting to redo them at home rather than submit them as I am only allotted so much to write back home to. I really like it here at night you can see almost to the end of the Universe...Maybe that is where they got the name for the project here...Everyone here has a job and a degree. I even heard that the maintenance people here have degrees I heard a few of them discussing Einstein and his energy equations. Kind of funny to see people in work uniforms covered with grease and dirt discussing physics. One of them was saying when I was a child they use to say that a fact was ultimate now they say it is a fact until it is disproved, and I knew that as a child before they ever figured out that their knowledge and capabilities would grow to the point many facts would be disproved eventually. One of my ancestors as a child figured out long before they did that fossils made fuel and they eventually figured it out after telling her science teacher. Did she get credit...nope...they say she even time traveled once...maybe in her mind...but check it out do you think that is possible. Personally I think that as long as no one knows enough they cannot prove that E=MC2 and until they can do and completely understand the actual calculations that the equation might be E=MC3 or even E=MC4 abut until that time it will be said that Einstein is brilliant because no one can disprove or prove that equation from what I can figure but be it far from me to say anything such that I be accused of being a heretic. Personally I think the guy’s wife had one orgasm and he equated it to E=MC2. . Say I hear you with Lundstrom next door at times. Sounds like you got an equation of E=MCinf going there with her. Isn’t that a scream they have such smart people here...Missing you at Eternity Love Cassia.


This is all that has been collected in regards to the ISO 92000 project.. Most of the digitized information that sent out was destroyed in the ripple affect following the antimatter core dysfunction which destroyed the entire planet. It is advised that any information that can be collected from any personelle who were on ISO 92000 be collected and analyzed in regards to future eternity projects.


Year Star Date 213003

The screen is blinking on an off with an attention getting pink orange alternating color this has been going on for a few days.

Object approaching Star Fleet’s Recycling Refuse collection freight carrier. Metallic in origin. Faint Energy Field. One life form aboard in low level sleep sustained. Interpretation of older form digitized information. Interpretation by main brain is that there is a five year old child aboard. What is the objective and should the object be intercepted?

Hey Burl...Burl wake up...there is a note on the computers screen you know the kind that we see all the time for meteorite collection and stuff like that...but this time it is something different what should I do...

I don’t know...I forgot that long ago...what was the directive that told us what to do..Hey Dustin do you have your ISO books on how to deal with things...??? I cannot find my books around here. I guess I should have quit playing that 3-d stuff and gotten to organizing my area...but it has been so dull being out here for three years with only 3-d babes to talk to. They say all the same things have you noticed that...what a cheap program. So what does it say Dustin?

It says we got a child on that piece of space junk..well not on it but in it. Can you bring it up any larger on the screen?

I don’t know...I can’t remember how to it has been so long since we needed to do much out ain’t great you know...say what did we find off that wreck of a ship the other day anyways?

Just go back to sustained sleep you aren’t much help I can do this with the computers brain it’s larger than yours anyway.

Burl goes back to sleep and Dustin brings in the view of the metallic container where he can see it better but the image during enlargement is diffused.

Computer check to see what is written on the side of the metallic container and what the metallic is composed of.

Object is composed of bachlite. Outer Inscription is ISO 9200.

Computer check references to ISO 9200.

No available information in regards to ISO 9200.

Computer contact ISO about wether or not we should collect the pod.

Three days later- ISO requests immediate collection of pod and return to ISO headquarters. ISO pay for return of lost pod. Fuel can be acquired through ISO stations in route if Star Fleet does not have adequate fueling stations in route. Load and Routing number A8B407. Pod is not to be opened and seal must be intact to receive pay.

Dustin advises the computer to move into position for acquisition of the pod. Contacts Star Fleet and submits the load number. Routing is placed into the computer and the trip to ISO Headquarters is begun.

Computer how long before Burl is suppose to be woke up and take over.

3 m-7d-0h-3m-22s

Thank you Computer. So what’s happening on 3-d t.v. until then.

The computer begins scrolling through screens as they travel on towards ISO headquarters.

©1999 Round Persons’ Enterprises

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