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~Devil on Angel
Jessie is an easy-going person, like me!! She can be serious sometimes and she can be michievous at other times. In a word, she's just like me!!! Hee hee. & We are both very emotional !!!

Well, when I first saw Jessie, I felt the same, I never thought that we would be such good friends!!! It's like a miracle to me. I don't know, we just do everything together and it turns out this way! But I disagree with Jessie for one thing, I don't think that we are very different, we have about the same personality!! We've got the same taste on music, the same likes and dislikes..etc. Actually, I can't believe how well we get along !! It's like so incredible!
Yep, and she's right, my first call to her was to ask her how to do the homework. It's kinda funny, innit? It's like "boom! I got a new friend!!" I have to admit that I'm very very shy. I don't trust people easily,no, not until I get very very acquianted with them. But with Jessie, it's not like that at all!!! I feel this comfort when I'm with her, she makes me feel safe. So I didn't even bother to think about it, I decided to make friends with her!! No, actually, it all just happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to think! Weird, huh? In addition, there was never an obstacle or misunderstanding between us, not even an argument!! Can you believe it??

She has totally turned my world upside down!! Ummm...I guess maybe it's our destiny, that we had to meet and be best friends. It's all set up. I can never get rid of her, haha!! Memories, running through my mind....reminiscence. I'll never forget our togetherness, the fun and the hard times we've had together, coz I'll always keep these wonderful memories in my heart. Well, if I really have to talk about Jessie, it would definitely be 10 pages long, but I don't wanna bore you guys, so there you go!!!




~Tracy on Mei
I think that Mei is a very straightforward, honest person 'n innocent and childish little girl. She is protected by her family and there's no need for her to worry about anything in her life .She is a lucky girl. Also, Mei is easy to fall in love with guys, she is lovely and cute.In a word, She is bright, generous, simple and real.
The best experience that I've ever had with Mei was being together. We went out, ate, and played together…I treasure those memories a lot. I remember that day when Jessie and I slept at her house overnight! It was very great! We ate pizza and watched TV together. We did everything together and were so happy. I remember that birthday cake. Yummy, yummy! All the memories of Mei are great and there just isn't any bad experience with her in my mind! See?
Sometimes she says things that are too straightforward, so she won't even know if she has made people mad or not. It's because that’s one of her qualities and she is used to be that way. Some people who don't know Mei well might think that she is offending them. I know that she doesn't mean to, she just says whatever is on her mind. Actually, I like that honesty of hers. That's all the bad things I can think of about Mei.

~Agatha on Mei
I am one of the new friends of Jennifer Wong. We just get to know each other since this school year starts. Thus I can't really tell what kind of person she is just by this acquaintance of such a short time. Yet, I can tell some general feelings and impressions I have for her. I feel that she is a nice, easy-going and helpful girl. Because of these characteristics, we become closer and closer during this month. In my mind, she is just like a big buddy who always leads and helps me.
Although both of us are new foreign students, it seems that she gets used to and becomes familiar with this new environment. I remember in the first 2 weeks of school, I still couldn't remember the locations of the various classrooms, and she was always the one who led me. Moreover, whenever I have any problems in homework or lessons, she is very willing to help and teach me. Thus, the impression she gives is that she is very capable, tough, helpful, kind and friendly. There is one trivia between us that impress me a lot. She may have forgotten it already, but I believe that I will never forget it. About a week ago, I got my history test back and so desperately that I got a C. At that time, I was really unhappy and frustrated by it. While seeing my sad face, she said some positive and encouraging words that really impress me. She asked me what would a goalkeeper do if he misses a catch. She told me that he won't be upset because of it or think about it anymore; instead, he will pay more attention and look forward for another coming catch. These words were just like a magic touch that woke me from frustration. I was quite shocked to hear such insightful words from her because I have never thought that she, such a frivolous person, can also be that serious. After this, I discover one more face of her.
So far, I find a slight flaw from her. Sometimes I find that Jennifer can't read the minds of people from their expressions. Maybe it is because she is too straightforward. It seems that she doesn't know how to tell a white lie. Sometimes she would say something that is not too appropriate to the situation and makes others feel bad or embarrassed unintentionally. If I were her, at such a situation, I'd rather keep it because it won't affect anything if I don't say it, but on the other hand, it would hurt others if I say it.

Overall, Jennifer is a nice girl whom I am glad to know and make friends with. I hope that I will get to know her more deeply and discover "the true Jennifer" in the future.


~Angel on Devil
Well, I remember the first time when I saw Mei (Jennifer), my instinct told me that she's a cool and pretty girl but also a little mean and unfriendly. But when I get to know her better, I realize that deep down inside she's an innocent girl; she's pure! Then, she started to talk a lot to me (weird)! She's the kind of person that looks cool outside but passionate inside! She trusts people easily! (So I always make fun of her!) At first I just thought that she was one of my common friends, but more and more we hanged out and spent time together, I feel that she's different and special. She treats me as her best friend; we talk about everything, such as idols, homework, teachers and GUYS! Hahaha! I can feel that she really cares about me a lot! When she was still in Hong Kong, We always go shopping and did some crazy things together! We almost saw each other everyday! We are closer than any other two friends in the world! I think that's "our" best experience.
Hmmm....We don't argue much, just a couple of times. I can't remember the details but I can tell you that those are just minor arguments! Believe me. We have never got mad at each other. Since she has been to America, I suddenly miss her very much, I don't know why, but I feel that I’ve lost something, something very precious! We are closer than before, although we are physically far apart now, but nothing can reduce my love for her. I feel so lucky; I found a best friend, a soul mate. Nobody could ever replace her. I can tell you that she's my only hope, the only one that I care about. I don’t know what would happen if I were without her. I just want to say: Mei, I love ya!”


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