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Prince Charmings Castle

Updated May,6 l999 - Humor From Zeb: Zeb sends me a few jokes every morning and I would like to share them with you, my friends and visitors.

Opening Statement

Welcome - my name is Ralph (Prince Charming) and I live in the Central Florida Area.  I am 55 years old.  I own a small Janitorial Service.  And I love to chat on the computer. I married a wonderful woman named Wanda on October 24, l997. Wanda is 41 years old and she has been a school teacher for 21 years. I met Wanda in a Chat Room in Talk City. She is from a small town in Alabama. She moved here Thanksgiving weekend of l997 and we have been living happily ever since.

I got into chatting on the internet in March l997.

I started out in 50 Something (Chat Zoo now) on

Two of my first friends were Jaye and Cheyeanne.

I had been in chat rooms where the order of the day was rudeness and intolerance of older people
and newbies.

When I went to 50Something (now chat zoo) and met Cheyeanne, she was friendly and helpful and
I felt at home. So from then on I mostly hung out on 50 Something

Cheyeanne, Jaye and myself became fast friends and we all decided that we would greet everyone
who came into the chat room, make them feel welcome and at home and try to draw them into the

Regular Chatters
Note: If your picture is not beside your write-up, send me one and I will scan it into the web page.

Cheyeanne - is a sweet lady with a whole lot of southern charm. She lives in Florida in the vicinity of Tampa. Her and her husband own and operate a plumbing contracting business. I have met Cheyeanne in person and it was a thrilling experience.She loves horses and owns two and recently one of her horses had an offspring. She also has a love of trains and when we met it was at a train depot. She showed and explained the hobo art to me and we walked on the railroad tracks.

Ms Jaye - Well after all this time, Ms Jaye has finally agreed to have her pix put on my web page. What do you think?  Ms Jaye is a long time friend of Prince Charmings.  She is a sweet lady that is retired from the school system and lives in Missouri.  She writes childrens stories and is a computer addict.  She is also the recent new owner of a sports car.  She spends so much time chatting on the computer that she is now known as the "Princess of Chat."  Thank you Ms Jay for being such a good friend and such a nice lady and for keeping us all straight on Chat Zoo. And we are all hoping you will get well soon and come back to us. 

Leighsa (also goes by Robin) - She is a sweet outgoing lady that I have known almost the whole time I have been chatting on Chat Zoo. We hit it off immediately when she came on chat zoo. Leighsa is an advertising executive with the local newspaper in her home town. She lives in Illinois.

Kentucky Woman - Kentucky Woman is from Kentucky of course and works as a secretary in a local library. I have been friends with Kentucky Woman almost as long as I have been on the net. She is adventursome and likes to be on the cutting edge of new chat developments. As a matter of fact, she was one of the first people in Chat Zoo to have her own web page and you can go check it out in my Favorite Links below. Kentucky Woman is a very nice lady, a divorcee who describes herself as BBW (Big Beautiful Woman). She has all the charm of a true southern lady and even knows how to cook grits and turnip greens. 

Lonestar - a lovely, crazy, fun lady from the great state of Texas. She is Chat Zoo's rootin tootin gun shootin Texas Cowgirl. Lonestar works as the office manager for a heating and air conditioning company. Thank you for all the fun on the Chat Zoo Ms Lonestar.

Carole - She is our resident nurse on Chat Zoo. She is a fun lady with a good sense of humor that is originally from Penn but now resides in Arkansas. Carole has applied for a traveling nurses job and hopefully will someday get an assignment down here in Florida and then Lady P and I can meet her in person. If you want a witty conversation sprinkled with good humor - Carole is the person to chat with. Thank you Carole for your friendship.

Star is a regular personality on Chat Zoo. She is a happily married lady but likes to play and flirt. She is lighthearted, witty and fun. When I come on as Prince Charming, she suddenly changes into Princess Star. And when I come on as Bozo, she will kiss me and change me into Prince Charming. She is an executive secretary and lives in New York. She owns a house in Florida and hopefully sooner or later she will come to Florida to check on the house and I will be able to meet her in person. Thank you Star for being a fun person, not only to me, but to everyone who comes to Chat Zoo.

Zeb - I have chatted with Zeb for a long time on Chat Zoo.  I mostly chat with him on ICQ now.  However, lately - he has been busy putting a new computer system in at his work and he hasnt chatted much with me.  I do get his daily humor E-Mails and enjoy them very much.  I would like to talk Zeb into starting a humor page and then I could link him to this page and everyone who comes here could just double click to get the days humor.  How about it Zeb - will you do it for all us folks on Chat Zoo? Also Zeb - please send me a pix to post beside your name here.  If you dont have a scanner, send me a pix US Mail and I will scan it for use on here. 

Dutchess - She was one of the first people that I met on the net.  She lives in the great state of Texas and at one time lived here in Florida.  Dutchess is a happily married woman and is a nice person to chat with.  I have missed her since 50 Something closed.  Maybe she couldnt find us on Chat Zoo but now she is back and as soon as I get finished with this web page, maybe we can find time to chat often again.  Dutchess is our resident Do-nut maker so if you put your order in ahead of time, she will bring the donuts to your next chat with her :) 

Abby - Ms Abby is a newcomer to Chat Zoo.  Ms Abby is from Alabama and knows how to do that "down home" cooking (you know grits, turnip greens and cornbread).  Ms Abby is a widow woman - so you single guys look for her on line and whisper some sweet nothings in her ear.  Welcome to Chat Zoo Ms Abby - we are glad to have you. 

JC - Ms JC lives in Canada but is originally from the USA (dont remember which state but I will ask her when I see her again).  Ms JC is a good chat friend and I have had a lot of long interesting chats with her.  I havent seen much of her lately and miss chatting with her. 

Jo - lives in Australia with her husband Roger.  They are a really nice couple and I used to chat with them often.  They would fight over who was gonna use the computer (usually Jo would win out).  Poor Roger has a rough life though.  Jo makes him cook and wash the dishes and then sends him to bed early so she can play on the internet.  Oh by the way Jo was born in Germany and raised in England and then she and Roger moved to Australia.

Ms Wonder - lives in Pennsylvania and is a counselor.  So if you need counseling, she will probably help you without a fee because you met her on line.  She sometimes counsels me for free without me even asking her to.  She is also the proof reader of this page.  I dont know why I would need a proof reader (I mean after all I flunked 10th grade english, 11th grade english and 12th grade english and I also flunked typeing too).  :)  Ms Wonder is a good friend and we have had some really nice chats and I look forward to chatting with her often.Thank you Ms Wonder for helping not only on here but also on Chat Zoo

Dee - I would like to welcome Dee to Chat Zoo.  I havent chatted with her but Lonestar has and says she is a delight to have in the room.  Dee is 20 years old, lives in New York City and is presently going to college.  She is gonna send me a picture so that I can scan it and include it here.  Welcome to you Dee - look forward to chatting with you. 

Stoney - Stoney lives in Nebraska.  She works as a customer service rep for an international trading company.  She is presently off work due to an injury.
She is an intelligent, witty conversationalist and adds a lot of humor to her conversations. 

 Jusme - Jusme works for one of the largest manufacturers of oil pumps in the USA.  He loves to travel and likes living in the desert.  He lives in Nebraska and also loves to chat on the computer.  I have not chatted with him in a while but always like chatting with Jusme.  I like him and find him to be a nice person to chat with. 

Morning Star - Morning Star is a really nice lady.  I have chatted with her almost every since I have been chatting in the 50's Chat Room.  She is a little shy at first but is fun and interesting to chat with when you get to know her.  She is the mother of 3 children and is Home-Schooling them.

Honey (Lady P):  She is an interesting person to chat with.  She chats on Chat Zoo, ICQ and VoxChat.  She has lived all over the USA during her lifetime.  She was a professional singer and a ballarina during her working career.  She lives in the St Petersburg area of Florida and enjoys bicycle riding and going to the beach. 

Warden: is one of the chatzoo regulars......brings alot of joy to all of us....We are very thankful to him for his light humor.... Born in Ohio, spent 9 years on the Ashland Police Department as Detective Sergeant....moved to Florida in 1972 and worked for the Manatee Memorial Hospital in Bradenton for 19 years as Security Officer, prior to his retirement to enjoy his hobbies of boating and fishing and of course the zoo.... Happily married 35 years, has 3 wonderful children, 1 boy - 2 girls.....We would be very lost without Warden as a Senior Resident at the Zoo. Thanks Warden for the good times.   Written by Star

Eban:  is a  good friend of mine.  In fact, he is one of our "oldest" regulars in
Chatzoo ("oldest" in the sense he has been with us a very long time).  Eban lives in
Mexico and meets every requirement to be a favorite in the chatroom --- he has a
nice personality and a sense of humor.  - Written by Jaye

BobCatt:  is a long time favorite with all of us in Chatzoo. As soon as he enters, the
room becomes livelier and the fun begins! I enjoy his antics in the "zoo" and so does everyone else.  He kids around a lot, but also does a great deal to keep things running smoothly. Besides all the humor he provides, BobCatt has everyone should have.    Written by Jaye

Slider:  Slider brings a lot of fun into a chat room.  He has been married to the same woman for 20 years and they have a 14 year old son.  Slider enjoys making people laugh.  Watch out for flying food when Slider is around - he just loves a good food fight.  You can start a conversation with Slider by asking about trucks and motorcycles, country music, baseball or fixing anything but computers.  (by Wonder and Lonestar)

Katlyn or KTP and now swSweet Kitty:  Katlyn is one of those Texas women.  She is sexy and spirited.  If you mess with her and make her mad, you might have her getting the bull whip after you.  (I did several times, by accident).  She owns a ranch in Texas but now lives in Louisiana.  She loves horses.  She is happily married but loves to flirt.  She also loves to chat on Voxchat. Thank you for your Friendship Katlyn. 

*COBRA*  :  While a hssssssss!!!, may not be too polite in public -  to a snake it is a natural sign of greeting.  If you hsssssssss!!! back to COBRA, he will know that you are friendly, too.
The real *COBRA* is married to an absolute "ANGEL", and they have two children.  COBRA works as an electrician in a steel mill.  He also teaches, Bando, martial arts, and enjoys meeting new people in chat rooms. COBRA likes a lively room, and will join in readily to keep the room lively. Written by Ms. Wonder

This is a picture of Prince Charming and his wife Wanda doing one of their favorite things. This was taken on their first date. As soon as my scanner is fixed, I will post a picture of our wedding.
