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Welcome To Mary's HomePage!

Hi. I'm Mary

I am an MCP in Visual Basic but haven't programmed anything for quite some time.

I have SEVEN! cats, three that were on "Death Row" at the pound and two kittens I took in off the street and two feral kittens I took in for the cold, cold Winter here in CA. One of the cats is a Maine Coon, he's polydactyl which is neat because it looks as though he has six paws, he's a real cutie pie.

I just recently got a puppy. He's a Mini Schnauzer and he's 4 months old.

I also used to have two ferrets. I guess you can tell I like animals.

Ever see six cats eat from the same dish? These are all love cats!

Six Pack is playing "mommy" to Squeakers.

The kittens are so happy in their little den.


Let us out! We just want to play!

I like all types of music, but especially rock (metal's the best programming music there is!).

I enjoy playing World of Warcraft. It's really a great place to meet friendly people and hang out just talking or doing things there together. It's lots of fun and it sure beats any other escape I can think of.

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