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Welcome to Betinee's Planet!!!

Welcome to Betinee's Planet!!!

Theres alot of animation on this page, but it shouldn't take more than a minute to load on a 56k modem... :)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This webpage has been closed captioned for the hearing impared.

look mummy, there's not a plane in the sky...

*****WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!*****

Hi! I'm Beth. I don't have a pic yet, but I will soon. I'm about 5'6", strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, 120 something lbs. I like art. I play the guitar, some stuff anyway... I love the out doors, truly I'm a nature person... I write poetry too. If you want to check out some poems, ~*Click HERE!*~
I love animals too! I have 1 dog, 2 cats, 1 guinea pig,and 2 and 1/2 fish tanks. Music wise, I can put up with just about anything, but I'd choose rock and "alternative" (if that's what you call it.) over it all! ***LED ZEPPELIN RULES!!!***

Click HEREto visit MEATSTINKS.COM a page devoted to putting an end to the cruelty to animals. Check out the artical called "Mc Cruelty to go" You'll never wanna eat at Mc Donalds again!

I wanna give a shout out to all my friends! I love you guys!!!

I want to send a very special hello to Sage! I love you Sage!*

I especially wanna say hello to my best friend Whitney (aka: Whateless) Hey Whate!!! Love you lots!!!})i({

and send another special hello out to my friend Bethy!!! Shes one of the coolest people I've met over the computer!!! Hey Bethy!!! I love you!!!! <:{{{>< (theres a fish for ya!) she loves those fish... hehe

This is for Holly... HEY P-NUT! You better start behavin' so you can come home, I MISS YOU!!!

I also wanna say hi to my friend Richieeeee! I love you! :)

And last, but certainly not least, Jesse! Hi Jesse! I love you! :)

If I missed anyone, please don't feel offended... I love you all! Thanks for all your support!

I hope to have more to my page than this, soon... but for now... ENJOY!

Kurdt when he was 3... isn't he a cutie!

Click here to see the "Hampster Dance"
it's sooo cute!!!

a couple of my favorite quotes:

-it's better to burn out, than fade away... -K.Cobain (I know, Neil Young said it first... but I worship Kurt. I'm a big Nirvana fan, by the way!!!)

Click here to visit Tom Grant's page
about the tragic death of Kurt Cobain. A must see for all those Kurt fans...

-Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings, I live for my dreams, and a pocket full of gold!!! -Led Zeppelin

-AN IMPORTANT LESSON IN LIFE: It's better to be pissed off, than pissed on...

-and remember, make war, not love, it's safer....

-and this one's from my good friend, Jesse Perry (aka: ghostman): "Love tells me I am everything, Wisdom tells me I'm nothing. Between these two, my life flows."

*<:{{{>< <:{{{>< <:{{{>< <:{{{>< <:{{{>< <:{{{><*


Download Crop Command Now!

**Last updated: 1/06/00**

My ICQ# is 6736532 if you wanna contact me on ICQ. :)

if you don't have ICQ, and you want here...

there's a cool guestbook here too... *hint*hint* =)

...and... if you'd like my banner as a link on your pageclick here.

~*`Click here to Visit my page of links and webrings.`*~

~*`Click here to Visit my page Downloads, games, and more...`*~

Click here to see some cool backgrounds I made using Paint Shop Pro

*The song now playing is: *Blew* by:

of coarse...

  • this song was requested by Jesse Perry.

    Thank you Bill for helping me put this musick on my page... click here to visit The Led Zeppelin MIDI Collection

    Music Banner
    Once Upon A Lifetime.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.


    thanks again for commin'...


    if you have any song requests for my page (led zeppelin) please include that in your guestbook entry, also, any suggestions or comments, etc. please include those also, I can use anything to improve my page.

    please don't put private entrys in my guestbook... I forgot my password... :)

    Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

    ... ticking away the moments that make up a dull day.....

    *What a short, great trip it was...*